How to manage sibling fights
Do we sometimes ask ourselves as parents if it is normal for our children to fight?
Do we sometimes ask ourselves as parents if it is normal for our children to fight?

The discussions or fights between brothers is normal, I think we have all gone through that, through these conflicts they learn to express their emotions and even understand others. In conclusion we can say that the fights between brothers have associated experiences that will directly influence the emotional and social development of the child. We have to make clear that a fight environment between brothers is "good", we have to make it clear that it is not. We know that they are uncomfortable situations inside the home, and they can even be harmful. Sibling fights are quite frequent when they are in childhood.
Because the rivalry and the fights between brothers
Rivalries or fights between siblings is a stress for parents, it is something that comes from years ago and is a headache for everyone. Many times they influence the age difference or because they want the same toy at the same time, jealousy when a new member arrives in the family, the brothers' fight can be by many factors.

Six strategies to reduce sibling fightsWe know that it is not an easy task when we have children at home and they are in constant struggle for anything, it is really a challenge for parents, but not impossible.

1.- Be a good role model
Usually children imitate everything good or bad, we have to be very careful with that, we must show them respectful behavior, try to control anger, and above all the screams.
2.- Proper voice tone
As parents we sometimes get out of our boxes and usually shout, we must use an appropriate tone of voice in front of our children, since they could imitate our misbehaviors is the first thing they learn.
3.- implement the value of kindness in your family
When we ask our children for anything we have to tell them please, and thank them all with thanks, thus avoiding conflicts between the children. Let them see the kindness in mom and dad.
4.- Encourage empathy
When your child misbehaves or makes a mistake, correct it without yelling
5.-Be affectionate
We must have a loving attitude with hugs, with phrases of love towards family and children. And the fights will diminish.
6.- Reward the kindness
When your children are playing and sharing their toys, congratulate them and reward them
These tips will help make your house a more peaceful place and above all that the brothers are more united and share among it

Should children be punished when they fight?
If we have previously observed the behavior of our children, when their behavior is negative in these cases it is better to use the extinction of this behavior through the reinforcement of the psychologist
It is an educational method that deserves time being part of our society, physical punishment in children leaves traces throughout his life. Remember that physical punishment is prohibited since 2007.
I think there are many parents who can not handle their conflicts or their children and quickly seek professional help. The problem is so severe that the parents are desperate, it is so serious that it affects the marriage, this is when there is physical damage, or of self-esteem


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