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RE: Life & the Power of Your Mind

in #steempress6 years ago

Cool introduction! Reading the first lines about a young hussler doing what he can to get that extra money had me feeling I was there watching!

I think that even though most life lessons are imdeed common sense ideas, they still need constant reminding. This coming from so.eone who's writing this comment from the airport woth Jordan Peterson's "12 rules for life" on my lap as I just bought it in the bookstore😅. Will be looking forward to reading your monthly posts and engaging in the comments!


Hi @FredrikAa
We all need reminders of lessons we have learned. I had one conversation with a coach some years ago. We ended up with this comment "I live as long as I learn" Compared to the normal frase "I learn as long as I live"
The day I stop learning new stuff will be the day I have to surrender and lay flat on the ground(7 feet under)
I think that if people stopped using "Autopilot" for most of there days and start tacking notice of what happens with them self and their surroundings they might learn a thing or two that they would miss since their are to occupied with not been present.
I have not read "12 rules for life" yet, but this is one of the books on my list this winter.
Best Regards @EveryDayCoachIMG_0229.PNG