8 Cheap Universities in Korea

Studying in Korea is a dream of many international students. Why is that? There are mainly three reasons why international students want to study in Korea. First, the educational system is not good in their own country. Since there is much competition for a limited amount of space in universities that academically inferior, international students want to study somewhere else where they can receive a superior education. Second, the universities in Korea offers international students that superior education since many, including Seoul National University and KAIST, often place in the top 100 universities. Third, universities in Korea are relatively cheaper for international students than the universities that are in other advanced countries such as USA and Canada.
So, what Korean universities offer quality education for ana affordable tuition fee? You need to look at this list of universities and the tuition links. Here, you will see that there are many that you can choose from!
8 Cheap Korean Universities with Annual Tuition Fee for International Students
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Affordable Universities in Korea with Tuition Link and Description
Pusan National University
- Undergraduate- https://international.pusan.ac.kr/international/14701/subview.do
- Graduate- http://www.gsis.pusan.ac.kr/page/admissions/04.php
- Pusan National University offers a variety of programs such as medicine, engineering, nursing, science, history, languages, business, etc. to their students. The great thing is that it is a national university that is funded by the government. So, the tuition fee at this excellent Korean university is cheap even for international students.
Kangwon National University
- http://www2.kangwon.ac.kr/english/menu_etc/sub_etc_prospective_student.php
- Kangwon National University was founded to provide a great education to the students in the Gangwondo Province. It was established in 1946 and has continued to expand by merging with other universities. In 2006, it merged with Samcheok University which provided additional programs such as veterinary science and information technology to its students.
Kyungpook National University
- http://en.knu.ac.kr/admission/foreign01.htm
- This university was founded in Daegu, one of the largest cities in Korea. It is one of the cheapest Korean universities for international students. It provides wonderful opportunities to study in a variety of field by only paying affordable tuition fees.
Chungnam National University
- http://website.jnu.ac.kr/user/indexSub.action?codyMenuSeq=14594&siteId=international_kr&menuUIType=sub
- Chungnam National University is an excellent Korean university that offers courses in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, economics, management, engineering, life sciences, and more! International students can study at this excellent Korean university by applying for admissions!
Pukyong National University
- http://cms.pknu.ac.kr/pknuoia/view.do?no=1111
- This university is located in Busan which the largest city in Korea after Seoul. There are over 30,000 students studying at this fabulous university, and the great thing is, the tuition fee for international students are affordable!
Gyeongsang National University
- http://eng.gnu.ac.kr/sub/03_04.jsp
- This university is founded to educate students from the Gyeongsang Province in Korea. Since 1948, it has continued to teach students and fulfill its mission. Over 23,000 students study under approximately 2,000 faculty at this excellent institution.
Handong Global University
- https://www.handong.edu/eng/admission/undergraduate/
- Handong Global University is a prime example of a Korean university for international students. Most of its classes are conducted in English so that international students can have an easier time getting adjusted to the teaching environment. Also, this university has great diversity among its student body, making it one of the easiest Korean universities for international students to attend.
Korea University
- http://oia.korea.ac.kr/listener.do?layout=dgr_1
- https://graduate2.korea.ac.kr/gradeng/admission/guide.do
- Another great Korean institution for international students is Korea University. They have invested much into creating diversity and recruiting international students. Although the tuition is not as cheap as these other universities, it is still cheaper than universities in USA or Canada. So, it is good to take a look at this institution also.
Scholarship Information
These some of these Korean universities also offer international students, scholarships! If you want to see the complete list, visit Korean Scholarships Category.Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://uscollegeinternational.com/2018/06/09/8-cheap-universities-in-korea/