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RE: Crowbarkids Lip Sync!

in #steempowerment7 years ago (edited)

AWWWWW so sweet!!! I love it at 1:12-1:15 haha where everyone is screaming/singing together!
crowbarbaby is adorable and such a performer! he'll do well in dtube ;D
love the determination of @tonks! She is seriously the mini-me of you!!! shes so confident and also a performer! :D

and snowgo is the boy in the middle right? hes also cute but a little more shy hehe

wow I realised both the girls know the lyrics so well, they don't even need them on screen etc


Thank you! We've been listening to this soundtrack a lot lately, so all the kids have it pretty well memorized. It was playing on the CD in the car, so no lyrics to look at anyway.

All 4 kids are performers in different ways, It's really interesting to see their different talents come out when we do posts. @tonks has started posting her own ukelele videos and wants to be like @coruscate someday. @Snowgo prefers talking in his posts. Lol!