Monster Contest - Tell Us What You Like! 2 Booster Packs to the winner!
Tell Us What You Like - for 2 Booster Packs!
For this week's contest, we'd actually like your input on the show! Listed below are some of the things we try to cover during the show, but our favorites may not be yours.
Let us know your top 5 favorite things about the show, or what you'd like to see more of, even if it's not listed below! Here are some ideas to get you thinking:Monster art and music from Monster fans
Other monster fan projects (rpg's, winnings, accomplishments, shout outs, etc.)
Fan Fiction live readings of the lore
Monster Newsflash (updates from the week)
Gameplay and other developments in the product
Battles and strategies
Booster pack giveaways
Random ramblings with the hosts, @coruscate, @littlescribe, and @o07
Involvement with the community during the show (inviting to speak on air or answer questions in the chat)
Trading Tips from @davemccoy
Contest winners
Monster musings and predictions from @o07 (and others)
General community feeling
Learning things about the game and how things work
Contest Ends on Payout
LIVE every Wednesday!

1.Gameplay and other developments in the product
2.Battles and strategies
3.Booster pack giveaways
4.Steem Monsters roadmaps and development
5.Learning things about the game and how things work
Gameplay and other developments in the product
Battles and strategies
Booster pack giveaways
General community feeling
Monster art and music from Monster fans
1- Booster pack giveaways
2- Learning things about the game and how things work
3- General community feeling
4- Involvement with the community during the show (inviting to speak on air or answer questions in the chat)
5- Trading Tips from @davemccoy
I like to see this:
Battles and strategies
Involvement with the community during the show
General community feeling
Learning things about the game and how things work
Booster pack giveaways
In that order will be fine ♥ Love you smshow
Thank you for your input. It's great to see what people really value so we can know what to focus on more often.
1.Gameplay and other developments in the product
2.Battles and strategies
3.Booster pack giveaways
4.Steem Monsters roadmaps and development
5.Learning things about the game and how things work
Mostly on the gameplay and how it works will be nice!
The main thing I like is that you guys are clearly having a metric shit-tonne of fun while you do the show. It comes across so naturally which makes interacting with your discord audience that much more relaxed, creating genuine engagement.
The show clashes with work for me, but fortunately I have a job where I can stick the headphones on and listen while I work. I do get the odd strange look from colleagues when I chuckle to myself at something.
As for the actual contents of the show, strategy chat around the rules (and any changes) is always insightful, but the way you seem to gather @SteemMonsters content from all corners of the blockchain and deliver it to us is awesome as well. Stuff a lot of us may never find.
Thanks for your input! Ha ha. We do have fun. And we're glad you can feel that too! You're not so bad yourself.
Monster kisses (the amazing banter between the co-hosts)
Monster Newsflash (make sure everyone up to date on anything new coming)
The Helpful Shaman (Engagement with audience. Giveaways, q & A, looking at someone’s strategy that is struggling and giving any helpful tips if they need work on monster order or use a different monster for that particular rules of combat. )
Legendary Monster of The Week (did someone do something really amazing in the SM community? App/development/idea/post whatever stood out that everyone should know about!)
Guest Star Rexxie (quest star appearances from people within the SM community)
Hmmmm. Those are some really great ideas @enjar. Thanks for sharing.
1.Monster art and music from Monster fans
2.Gameplay and other developments in the product
3.Battles and strategies
4.Booster pack giveaways
5.Learning things about the game and how things work