The Splinters and the Ancient Ones

It has been nearly a thousand years since the Great Splintering that tore the world apart.
The event itself was so destructive that very little remains of that which came before, but somehow life has continued to flourish and the Ancient Ones live on. What was once a single great land mass is now six Splinters, each with cultures and customs of their own. It is rumored that the Splinterlands are not the only lands on the planet; that there is a vast, unexplored wilderness on the other side of the world.
Many of the titanic monsters of old found extinction long ago. The ancient Giants, who had grown too ambitious, were defeated by the people they were so desperate to control. The power-hungry Titans were destroyed after centuries of bitter war by the Dragons, who continue to thrive today. As the most powerful monsters on the Splinterlands, Dragons grapple with one another for control of everything.
The six Splinters have, in the course of a thousand years, grown in magnificently divergent ways. Each is quietly watched over by one of the Ancient Ones, who together in the Cradle of Time created all life on the planet. The Ancient Ones have grown apart through millennia of trial and conflict; they have only recently been reunited through the Gloridax tournaments of Mount Mox.

In the Earth Splinter of Anumün, the Spirit of the Forest watches over a diverse flock of creatures such as Goblins, Humans, Elves, Centaurs and Dinosaurs. She is one with the Eldest Tree, and though she can take any form she wishes and travel where she pleases, the majority of her time is spent in the secure embrace of its branches. She loves her people with all the love a mother can feel for her children, but fear for her own survival has driven her into seclusion. The Eldest Tree is hidden in the ominous and impassable Hungry Wood, along with what remains of the River of Wisdom.

In the Life Splinter of Khymeria, the great Goddess Khymia rules her people from a palace in the clouds. It is said that she crafts each Khymian from divine light with her own hands. None living can witness her pure light and live, so the most advanced priests of the Order of the Silver Shield must astral project themselves to the temple in order to commune with Khymia. The history of Khymia and the Order that was created by her will is a sordid tapestry of mystery and often ruthless conquest.

In the Burning Lands, the Elemental Phoenix soars quietly through the night sky, often setting the noxious air ablaze with her wings of flame. She is a watchful protector of the land and all the Ferexia who live upon it. Efreet, Cinder Elves, Kobolds, Serpentines and all the creatures of Fire live under the protection of the Pheonix. Although she no longer communicates with the Torch, they always strive to do her bidding for the good of the Burning Lands.

The Water Splinter of ΛZMΛRÉ is the most lawless and chaotic of the six. For centuries since the Giant Rebellion, its people have shunned rule in all its forms. The Ancient One known as the Frost Giant does not interfere with the lives of his people, but spends his time raking the salt wastes that are gradually threatening to dissolve the Splinter from the sea. Chaos reigns supreme, but against all odds, the people of ΛZMΛRÉ enjoy technological innovations of incredible brilliance.

The massive continent known as Mortis is also commonly known as the Death Splinter. There, feared universally by the living, the Dark Eternal collective thrives under the rule of the Lord of Darkness. Through their massive missionary efforts, the Dark Eternals convince the living to sign the Dark Contract. The souls of those who sign are immediately delivered to Mortis upon their death, where they start upon the long and arduous path toward the Dark Eternity.

The smallest, but mightiest Splinter is Draykh-Nahka, where the Dragons reside. It is an unforgiving desert full of savage predators, and the skies are fraught with wild Lightning Dragons that slaughter indiscriminately. In the city of Centrum, the Dragonfolk live a rigidly ordered life of bureaucracy, protecting the Fire Blood with all their policies. The united Gloridax worship Helio, the Ancient One who created the Dragons in the Cradle of Time. They await his glorious return, when he promises to take the Glory Worthy to the Golden Moon for the rest of time.

The Splinterlands have certainly grown further apart in the time since the Splintering, but the time may soon be coming when as a whole, they are tested against the outside strength of a great enemy. Refugees from the other side of the world are now arriving in greater numbers than ever, beaten and traumatized by the Nameless Evil. The prophecy says “That which was Splintered shall be made whole,” but will the people of the Splinterlands prevail against a greater threat? Time will certainly tell, and the Ancient Ones will fight to the last.

Artwork by @candycal and Serge!
Edited, formatted, and text dividers (all but the last one) by @carrieallen.
Lore written by @chrisroberts. He and his wife @carrieallen are currently finishing up the backstories and lore for all the Splinterlands, and working with @zipporah to complete the book. He will be offering sneak peeks, accompanied by brand-new artwork created by the Steem Monsters Team. Both Carrie and Chris prefer you refer to them as The Masters of Lore.😎
The Team is currently building up to launch a Kickstarter for the 150+ page campaign guidebook. Keep on the lookout for announcements and more inside scoops about the Splinterlands.
New to Steem Monsters? Check it out HERE

When CGI movie?
As soon as you make one I guess... :D
Seriously though, I have no idea how to do that.
Well done! Great summary of all the vast splinter lore.
Posted using Partiko Android
Seriously, I was just telling Carrie that when we have gone into such great detail, it gets hard to summarize anything. This post is actually a possibility for the front page of the Lore section that will soon appear on the website, but I'll still try a couple more approaches.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for reading :D
The lore is seeming more and more interesting! Gret job Loremasters!
Glad you like it, and thank you very much! :)
Have you had a chance to check out the new lore section in the Collection page? Each card has a little teaser summary. A much larger lore section for each card is coming soon with all sorts of fun stuff. I just have to crank out a couple hundred more pages lol :D
There will also soon be unique Lore tidbits during the "Seeking Enemy" times. There is so. Much. Lore. You guys don't even know. It's going to flood upon you like a deluge of ambrosia from the heavens.
And of course, the long-anticipated Campaign Setting Guide will soon be released. It's in the final stages of editing. Then it really begins...
I did check it already! To be honest, I feel a little sad, I won a few of the stories contest and thought I would be linked to the card's history forever!! Muah ah ah! But true, our random stories would probably conflict with the actual Lore. So it's good to see the official lore is very good hands! Bring that lore flooding on! 😂😂
Posted using Partiko Android
Which ones are you concerned about? I can go back and incorporate what I'm able. :) The stories for each card are still being crafted, and the ones on the website now are really just placeholders until the much larger lore page is ready.
I was having trouble with the writing contest from the beginning. It's awesome that everyone had such great stories, but unfortunately there were already plenty of conflicts with what we have created. Those stories were written without enough information, because it wasn't available yet. Our fault, not yours.
There will be plenty more chances for writers to get into this world in the future, and your original stories will be displayed (with your permission, of course) on the upcoming SteemMonstersLore website that @CarrieAllen and I are planning.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, but I'm always here if you'd like to give input, ideas and suggestions :)
No fault at all; it makes sense. Nevertheless, I had fun writing them and enjoyed stimulating my writing vein, I love fantasy lores and I think the last time I did free writing was in my high school... a looooong time ago! :))
Also, try not to feel sad. :) I've written hundreds of pages that have been completely scrapped. It's a little discouraging, but there's always more to create!
Not sad at writing them, only that they ended up not being matched to the cards :) But i cant even use the sad word. They were fun to write, I was fortunate enough to get a few curie visits, and score a few packs, so no downsides here whatsoever! And love the idea of including a little bit of lore in the new website!
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I would love to see a season series built around this, and maybe could be live streamed or released weekly on like a Steem Monsters TV/Streaming service.
I would also love to see that... :)
We're creating the world so that everyone can tell the stories. I hope there will be cartoons, movies, fan-fiction, and all the crazy things I can't even think of because I'm not as clever as all of you ;)
Have you ever happened across the Steem Monsters Tavern? It's a sketch comedy series that I've been writing since the very very beginning of Steem Monsters. @carrieallen and I perform them live on the Playhouse. It's your run-of-the-mill monster-based interdimensional tavern situational comedy, with all your favorite card characters.
Anyway, I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with once the Lore Book comes out.
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becoming a novel,eventually
Posted using Partiko Android
I'm thinking bigger than a novel here :) In terms of length and sheer amount of information, we passed novel a long time ago. We have volumes, just waiting to be perfected and released.
I'm incredibly excited for the future of Steem Monsters Lore :D Thank you so much for your support!
Really cool description of the six Splinters! and the Maps are awesome too! What is this great threat that will draw the Ancient Ones to battle?!? 😨
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