Steem Monsters Update - Challenge Matches!

As the full priority of the Steem Monsters Dev team is on tournaments, we're happy to announce the first stage of this: Challenge Matches!

A Two-Person Tournament

A challenge match is essentially just a simple 2-person tournament, but it opens up the possibility of much more, which we'll get to later in this post.

With the challenge match option, you can choose a specific player you would like to challenge, and specify some different options about the match:

  • You can choose to have a level cap on the cards, which allows for an even playing field between players with varying card levels, or maybe you just like playing with level 1 cards.
  • You can choose to allow all cards, only gold foil cards, or only Alpha edition cards, so you can show off the full might of your collector's edition cards.
  • Last, but not least, if you're really feeling confident about your Steem Monster skillz (spelled with a "z" so you know it's cool), you can even wager Beta edition booster packs on the outcome of the battle!

Your opponent must be logged in to the website in order to see and accept the challenge, and they will have up to 10 minutes to respond, so it's probably best to coordinate with them ahead of time.

When you receive a challenge from another player, a notification message will show on the website which will allow you to view the details of the match and either accept or decline it.

Challenge matches are not rated, and there is no risk or downside to declining a challenge if you don't want to play. If you accept a challenge that includes a wager of booster packs, but surrender or fail to submit your team in time your opponent will be considered the winner and receive the packs.

Additionally, any booster packs being wagered in an active challenge will be "locked" until the battle is cancelled or completed so they cannot be opened or transferred. Once the battle is finished, the specified amount of packs will be automatically transferred to the winner's account and they will be "unlocked".

Running Larger Tournaments

The new challenge match feature also allows running larger tournaments with a bit of manual organization and coordination.

You can get a group of people together in Discord or another similar messaging app, create your own tournament brackets, and let the participants know who should challenge whom. Then you can check the results by looking at players' battle histories on the website and see who moves on and who is eliminated until the winners are crowned!

You are also free to require entry fees and give out prizes, however that will all need to be done manually. For tournament participants, please make sure you trust the tournament organizers.

This is just the first, small step in creating a complete tournament system that will be fully automated, decentralized, and trustless, which we expect to deliver in January of 2019. Hopefully we'll see some tournaments start to be run manually in the meantime and whet your appetite for what's to come!

Manual tournaments to get us started

We're completely committed to getting tournaments out the door and rewards for playing Steem Monsters rolling. We can't run them automatically yet, but we can start with manually hosted tournaments! You can run your own now too, and that would be awesome. Starting immediately we're offering free roll (no entry fee) tournaments.

Steem Monsters has a handful of people we'll give 20-25 SBD to and ask that they run games at a convenient time for them in various continents, countries, and primary languages. We'll try to run them daily until automatic tournaments are functional.

Tournament hosts that have Steem Monsters purses they manage need announce the rules of the game and the time of the game prior to it starting. They must keep it open to anyone in the community. They're expected to cycle through the various card levels to open it up to both new and established players. The host is responsible for paying out the purse to players.

Other Changes

  • You have probably already noticed that we have added an FAQ section to the site. This will hopefully help answer some of the frequent questions we get about the game. It is still a work in progress so please let us know if you feel there are some additional questions we should address.
  • Quest rewards will now be based on the league you are in when the quest is finished. Previously the rewards were set when the quest was started, but this led to some players achieving higher leagues and then purposely dropping down in ranking to complete their quests easily.

Thank you for your continued support!

Steem Monsters Contact Info:


Steem Monsters Website

Steem Monsters Discord


Quest rewards will now be based on the league you are in when the quest is finished.

What does that exactly mean? Does one receive less cards in lower leagues?

Previously the rewards were set when the quest was started, but this led to some players achieving higher leagues and then purposely dropping down in ranking to complete their quests easily.

I always automatically (but not intentionally) drop in ranking when trying to fulfill the quests because it means I cannot use my only strong splinter.

Thank you for the challenge matches, but I think you need a bunch of fixes and adjustments first:
Feral Spirit case in point a faster monster, at 4 levels higher than a legendary a level 1 phoenix in 7 consecutive rounds? With no modifiers on the Phoenix to increase it's speed and the Feral Spirit with additions ....That's screwed up....

I've seen steady states in the game where I have 2 cards and my opponent has 1 (1 of which is blocked from playing) go for 30 rounds because both cards match and keep healing completely up.

Yet when I hit the Skip button, instead of a draw, I get a lose....
Is the the lose calculated on the Steady state on your termination logic for steady state ruling should include the weight of all cards on the table at the round you finish..... I assume you look at the health level of the main competitors on whatever your termination round is. That or you should have the healing factors atrophy by very very very time amounts each round based on experience level. You won't end up in a steady state for it!!!!

and why is are level 2 Champion League Players allowed to Battle bottom level Diamond Players in Daily Quests.... Going up against level 8 cards and Maxed out Hydras is very very unfair....

If they are on their way up and blowing through the leagues, it's understood. But once they are in the championship league, unless they fall out based on their point total, it's totally unfair.

In Football when the Jets are playing bad they can't decide to start playing college teams to build up their standings in the Major Leagues. Why would you allow a Championship Player to accumulate wins against obviously inferior opponents...

Daily Quests are not tournaments, where the strongest just dominate.

at least they shouold not be, its to build return to the game with team building rewards

Very cool! I love this development and can't wait to participate in one of these organized tourneys!!

Good luck everyone!!


Hopefully this will stop so many surrenders.

Quest rewards will now be based on the league you are in when the quest is finished.

I am excited to see this game keep growing.

But I met the same players 5 times in a row after this update😂😂😂 still have though.
Thanks for taking the inputs from users so far and make it more fun and luv the challenge, FAQ😉

Good job and Thank!

Nice I saw the challenge function and was wondering what it was for this is a nice addition to the game way to go :)

I just wish surrenders counted to the dailies sometimes you wait the max time then have to rebattle cause surrenders :) well at least rank moves up.

As always awesome updates

All these great steps on an epic journey!