Season 7 Top 50 Winners!

Congrats to our Top 50 Winners from Season 7!

Beta Packs will be awarded to all top 50 Winners!

Top 50 Winners!

Thank you for your continued support!

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Have packs been awarded yet? I have not received any.

I still have not received the winner's packs. Am I the only one or not distributed yet?

I received mine just now - thanks @steemmonsters! :)

I made it to the bronze level. This time I am going to make it to silver!Steem-Monsters.png

I started playing Steem Monsters with two accounts during this season. @TeachinThai had a lot of Steem and @JeremiahCustis is my new account. The new account made it to Bronze, but the money helped buy rare cards and my older account to Silver 1. Even though the richer account has been rewarded more cards, the one that started with only the Starter pack has received more gold and epic cards.

wow, no one made it to Champ 2 or Champ 1 this season

Congratulations @coolbowser (⬅️I know him). Top 3 next season buddy.

Congratulations to the winners! I hope to join you soon!

waaaaaaa quiero jugar!!! T.T esto de ser pobre no da!! T.T