Beta Edition Update & Future Roadmap

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

Now that our pre-sale period has ended (much sooner than expected!) we are moving on to the next phase of the project which will include a new Beta edition of the cards and the release of the first version of the gameplay system in the near future.

We want to make sure everyone is fully informed about what is coming up and our plans for the project going forward. As always we welcome and seriously consider any feedback from the community and supporters of the game, so please feel free to speak your mind (in a constructive manner of course)!

Beta Booster Packs

Total Capped Supply: 900,000 booster packs


Week of September 17th, 2018

Exclusive Crowdfunding Deals Available

Our Fundition/Kickstarter campaign will run through Oct 1st. We have added some new deals for those who wish to purchase Beta edition booster packs in bulk.

For $5,000, you can purchase 3,000 beta edition booster packs, which represents a 20% increase over the base price.

For $5,600 you can purchase 3,000 beta edition booster packs plus everything in the Monster Master funding tier (beta boosters).

Please note that crowdfunding rewards will not be avaialble immediately once the campaigns end on October 1st. It will take us some time to get everything ready and get redemption codes out to backers. We expect those to be available by the end of October.

Website Deals (Always Available)

Purchases of 100 or more packs in a single transaction will receive 10% additional bonus packs, and purchases of 500 packs in a single transaction will receive 15% additional bonus packs.

Beta Edition Cards

All of the same cards from the Alpha edition will be avaialble in the Beta edition; however, Beta edition cards will have a new frame design making them easily distiunguishable from their Alpha edition counterparts. There will also be new filters added to all applicable areas of the website to separate the different editions of cards.

New Cards

The Beta edition will also contain 10 new Monster cards and 5 new Summoner cards.

There will be one new, epic Summoner for each of the 5 elemental splinters. The Dragon splinter will receive a new summoner from the Kickstarter/Fundition crowdfunding campaign.

The 10 new Monsters will be "neutral", meaning they are not a part of any specific splinter and that they can be summoned by any Summoner. They will have standard rarities (common, rare, epic, legendary), with the same drop rates by rarity, and they will come in regular and gold foil variants.

New Legendary Summoners

The "You Are Legendary" crowdfunding tier includes the creation of five (5) new legendary Summoner cards designed by the backers of that tier level. We are not sure how long this process will take, so how those new cards will be released will depend on the number of Beta edition booster packs that have been sold by the time these new cards are ready.

If less than half (450,000) of the Beta edition booster packs have been sold by the time the new legendary Summoners are ready, then they will be airdropped to Beta pack purchasers based on the number of packs they have purchased and then they will be included in the Beta packs as normal going forward.

If more than half of the Beta edition booster packs have been sold by the time the new legendary Summoners are ready, then they will simply be added into the next edition and will not be part of Beta.

Card XP Scaling

As previously announced, When the Beta edition is released, we plan to scale up the XP by a factor of 10 for all of the cards in order to allow for smaller amounts of XP to be given out through gameplay.

Currently, a max level common card requires 756 XP, and each individual common card is worth 2 XP when combining. With the scaling, a max level common card will require 7,560 XP, and each individual common card will be worth 20 XP when combining.

We want to be very clear that the number of Alpha edition cards required to combine to reach each level will not change.

Beta Edition Card XP

Also as previously announced, the Beta edition cards will be worth less XP when combining than their Alpha edition counterparts. This means that it will require combining more Beta edition cards to reach each level than it does for Alpha edition cards. This will give Alpha edition cards some additional value (beyond just being rare and cool) without affecting gameplay.

This will also apply to Beta edition gold foil cards which will start out with less XP than the same Alpha edition gold foil card and require more cards to combine to each level.

Beta Edition Card Stats

The stats and abilities of Beta edition cards will remain the same at each level as the same card in the Alpha edition. This means that Beta edition cards will have exactly the same value in gameplay as Alpha edition cards. The differences between the same card in the different editions will be limited to the visuals and the amount of XP they are worth when combining, just like gold foil cards.

Also like gold foil cards, there may at times be alpha-edition only tournaments in which beta edition cards may not be played.

Card Combining

Although we had previously announced plans to allow combining of Alpha and Beta edition cards together, we have decided to hold off on this for a few reasons.

We received some feedback from community members and supporters who prefer that Alpha and Beta cards not be able to be combined together, and additionally after starting to implement it in the website we feel that it is too complicated and will lead to a lot of confusion.

So, for the time being, we plan to keep Alpha and Beta edition cards separate. We will keep a close eye on how that goes and listen closely to community feedback and will be open to changing that in the future if necessary.

Beta Edition Proceed Plans

Initially we did not know how well this project would be received and we had been doing our best to figure things out as we go, including how to use avaialble funds.

Now that we have raised a significant amount of funds and many people in the community have invested in the game through our Alpha pre-sale or our crowdfunding campaign, we would like to be more organized and transparent as to how the funds will be used.

We plan to utilize the funds from the sale of the 900,000 Beta edition booster packs as follows:

  • 30% will go directly to official Steem Monsters sponsored tournament prize pools (note that anyone will be able to run their own tournaments with their own prize pools as well)
  • 30% will go to ongoing development costs
  • 20% will go to marketing, promotion, and content creation
  • 20% will go to team members

Note that 30% of 900,000 booster packs at $2 each is roughly $540,000. This number suggests that if Beta packs sell out within a year we can offer $10,000 / week in sponsored prize pools.

We will do our best to stick to these plans; however, we reserve the right to change these at any time as needed to ensure the ongoing success of the project. We will strive to be as open and transparent as possible with the community about our plans and any subsequent changes.

Upcoming Developvelopment Roadmap

  1. Initial 1v1 Battle System
  2. Decentralized Tournament System
  3. Guilds
  4. First Expansion
  5. Card Delegation
  6. Single Player Campaign Mode (Including Boss Fights)
  7. Mobile App (this will hopefully be done in parallel with the items above)

Marketing / Promotion Roadmap

  • Physical Merchandise Sales
  • Physical Printed Cards
  • Event / Conference Attendance and Sponsorships
  • Referral / Affiliate Program
  • Contests / Social Media Outreach
  • Additional Animation and Video Production

Booster Packs for Promotional Use

Steem Monsters reserves the right to use Booster packs for promotional or marketing purposes as necessary. The expectation is that no more than 5% of the total Beta edition packs available will be used for these purposes. Any packs used this way will come out of the total available pool of 900,000 Beta booster packs.

Initial Gameplay Timeline Update

We are working very hard to get the initial version of the gameplay released by the end of September as we had originally estimated; however, a number of unanticipated things have come up which required the attention of the development team.

As a result we are behind schedule on the gameplay system compared to where we hoped to be by this point, and the launch may be delayed until mid-October. Even though this will be an alpha release, which may contain bugs and balance issues, we still want to make sure we put out a solid product. Rushing something out that's not ready will likely cause more harm to the project than good.

We know how excited everyone is to get their cards dirty and we are doing everything we can to ensure that a solid and fun fighting system is released as quickly as possible while also balancing the multiple stakeholder needs of this project.

Thank You For Your Continued Support!

Visit the Steem Monsters Kickstarter and Become a Backer!!!

Visit the Steem Monsters Fundition and Become a Backer!!!

Steem Monsters Contact Info
Official Account: @steemmonsters


What I like most about this update and the project is that community feedback is being considered and integrated into the plan. The founders are doing an excellent job filtering through and balancing the suggestions and adapting the most important features of the ecosystem for players and investors alike

Yes you can see a huge jump in organization and interaction from Original Alpha into Beta segment of the project. Which is to be expected as a company progresses. I assume we'll see that sort of jump going forward for when the game leaves Beta, they company and foundational elements will be even more established.

Its like the Steem Blockchain provides the perfect platform for people to literally upvote the project into success with the collection of all the wisdom from a beautiful soup of players, stakeholders, and content creators creating a classic virtuous cycle

If you want to resteem or wanna upvote your post and want to promote your post, you can send 0.5 SBD to @steemvive and give that post link in memo, then it will be get upvote from our groups and 100% payment back if you won't get back. Steemvive gives you more back than you want. we have 20k followers in our group and many delegates. so don't worry to upvote your post.

Our website is coming soon....

Nice work

Posted using Partiko Android

"As previously announced, When the Beta edition is released, we plan to scale up the XP by a factor of 10 for all of the cards in order to allow for smaller amounts of XP to be given out through gameplay."
Does it means that if I have a complete alpha deck or a complete beta deck, both will receive the same XP through gameplay? That clearly favour alpha decks.
Will I be allowed to use cards of both expansions in a deck?

Does it means that if I have a complete alpha deck or a complete beta deck, both will receive the same XP through gameplay? That clearly favour alpha decks.

While we have not released details on how cards will earn XP through gameplay (we need to ensure that it is not "farmable" by bots) I do expect that alpha and beta cards will gain the same amount of XP from battle. This would make it more valuable to play with alpha cards than beta cards, which I think is a good thing.

Will I be allowed to use cards of both expansions in a deck?

Yes, unless the battle or tournament has a specific requirement for only a certain edition of card you can use some alpha and some beta edition cards on the same team (we are using the term "team" instead of deck since it is not shuffled and you don't draw cards like a traditional card game "deck"). You will still not be able to use more than one of the same type of card. For example, you cannot use an alpha edition frost giant on the same team as a beta edition frost giant.

Thank you for the very fast answer.

These are really awesome updates! Thank you! I was wondering where the writing teams were at with the backstory? Would love to have an update from that end ^_^

I would love to get an update on that too!

Lmao! Funny guy 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

You will soon get it

Posted using Partiko Android

You will soon get it.

Posted using Partiko Android

+1 to not allowing Alpha and Beta to be combined with each other.

So the only real difference between Beta and Alpha is the 25 XP difference between the two. I think the Beta and Alpha version of cards will have close to the same cost value on the market which means its likely we see a decrease in Alpha cards fiat value. I think having the Alpha cards having a +1 to health over the Beta would be a good Idea and help preserve the rarity and value of Alpha cards.
  • Do you plan on releasing another version of these cards after Beta is over ? If so how many versions are planned ?

Thanks for your feedback on this @rentmoney. We do not plan to have alpha edition cards have any advantage in gameplay over the same beta edition card. The value for alpha cards over later editions is simply in their scarcity. In this way they are very similar to gold foil cards (which are also no more powerful in gameplay). As mentioned in the post it will also be possible to have alpha edition only tournaments giving added utility to these cards.

Do you plan on releasing another version of these cards after Beta is over ? If so how many versions are planned?

I don't think we want to make a decision on that at this point since we don't know how things will look that far into the future and want to make the best decision at that time.

Thanks for taking the time to address my comment. I am new to these type of games and am just soaking in all the info that I can. Congrats on your success with @steemmonsters.

In truth, the alpha and the beta versions are different

Posted using Partiko Android

So excited! Looking forward to the tournaments! I hope I can do well and also find a good guild.

Have thought of a feature that allows players to delegate cards? That way a strong player on a guild can help little ones to get an advantage. I don´t know if this would work, maybe set some limitation like: You can only delegate cards to your guild members and maybe only one card at a time.

Sorry if you have already thought about this. This thought crossed my mind while I was writing the comment.

It is listed in the development roadmap in the post :-)

Oh I missed it from the excitement... sorry. Looking forward on hearing more details about that. Thank you!

If you want to resteem or wanna upvote your post and want to promote your post, you can send 0.5 SBD to @steemvive and give that post link in memo, then it will be get upvote from our groups and 100% payment back if you won't get back. Steemvive gives you more back than you want. we have 20k followers in our group and many delegates. so don't worry to upvote your post.

Our website is coming soon....

Love it, great thinking here @steemmonsters, like the alpha/beta decision I think the community will grow to understand it more as time passes. The roadmap ahead looks great I am very anxious to get into the gameplay that will be a watershed moment for the entire @steemmonsters community that Steemit has never seen before.

It depends on time, you said

Posted using Partiko Android

I think it is a good choice to not allow combining Alpha and Beta cards. It keeps them seperated and doesn't dilute the supply through wild combinations.

Can't wait to get started with the actual game!

Also way less complicated

But, which did you prefer

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't understand the question.

I can't wait and what exactly will card delegation be? guessing their will be a leasing market for the cards

Card delegation will be very similar to SP delegation on Steem. There will likely be some people who are just not interested in playing the game, and there will be some people who are very skilled at the game but do not have the funds to get all of the best cards. Card delegation will allow the first set of people to delegate their cards to the second set of people so that they still own the card but the player can use it to play.

What happens with prize money?

Loooooove that!!! That was exactly what I was hoping to do with someone. Now you will make that very simple. I guess I will be buying a whole bunch more cards now to support the progress and grow my collection. Well done guys!!!

Just wondering if you are planning to have the Tournament prizes be Steem, SBD, other cryptos or fiat?

I'm guessing they could allow each game/tournament have a different prize. Maybe one time they offer a Gold Foil Legendary.

Right now I think our preference would be to pay out prizes in SBD. Assuming they stick around $1 in value that makes the most sense since there's no issue with conversion rates (hopefully). If it's a $1,000 tournament we would like to just pay out 1,000 SBD in prizes.

We definitely do not plan to use other cryptos or fiat, we want to keep everything in the Steem ecosystem. That being said, other people who run tournaments can pay out whatever we want, and we may also change our payouts in the future if the community wants something different!

If you want to resteem or wanna upvote your post and want to promote your post, you can send 0.5 SBD to @steemvive and give that post link in memo, then it will be get upvote from our groups and 100% payment back if you won't get back. Steemvive gives you more back than you want. we have 20k followers in our group and many delegates. so don't worry to upvote your post.

Our website is coming soon....

Unfortunate about the delay on the gameplay release but with the beta packs at least we have some time to get more collecting going. Inalso prefer to wait and have a great seamless experience than an early release with bugs and glitches. It is best to get it right! Thanks for the update!