Starter Pack Experiment Status Update 18 | Daily & Season Rewards | Card Sales | League Status | - Daily Rewards and Sales

Starter Pack Expirament Status Update 17 | Daily Rewards | Card Sales | League Status |

Into Post, Update 1,Update 2,Update 3 Update 4, Update 5, Update 6, Update 7, Update 8, Update 9, Update 10. Update 11, Update 12, Update 13, Update 14, Update 15, Update 16, Update 17


  • Current Status: Silver 2
  • No Gold
  • 1 EPIC Divine Sorceress

Daily Rewards


Not much, best value I got was the Divine Sorceress, I immediately listed and sold it. I am about to go on a buying spree.

Deck Hit Rate

Staying very consistent with 1% Legendary cards over time. I would of course love more, but I will take the 4 I have gotten so far. My Epic hit rate is 2% higher than my primary account that has over double the cards. Can't complain about that!

Sold Cards - going going gone. I am selling as much as I can to build this deck!! Sold 60 Card!!!

Total Sold and Balances

*STEEM 8.405

  • SBD .07


I need to take a look at see how best to use the 8 STEEM, while it seems like a lot, its not much when buying summoners and needing a few to get to level 3.

I have a unicorn that I am not using, because, well , life sucks for me and is expensive to level up. I am better at earth and water with the gold rewards cards I have gotten. Here are my thoughts.

  • Buy 1 more Lord A - and make it a level 2 Legendary. This will cost about $1.2 and will be a decent hit BUT can be used with most of my decks and is a pain to get rid of in lower levels.
  • Take Water or Earth to level 3 to match Fire
  • Buy better Fire cards to maximize my level 3 summoner there... really dig in as best I can.

Not sure what direction to go but I will go somewhere in the next day or two. Thoughts are welcome!

The Awards to Date: 434!!


Slow climb up - with the ability to price in fractions of a cent, I will more aggressively attempt to sell my cards. before it was too much risk to post at .02 and never sell or take a beat and sell for .01 when the rates were .019. Now I can fully take advantage, even if it is super slow to do so.

Want more!?!!?

Check out @itisjustme - who is doing a very similar project - showing what its like to be new with limited funds.

Check out my primary account @senstless progress - constant investment and hoping for glory!!

Want to get in the game - join via my link!

Monster On!


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