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RE: Season 6 Updates and Balance Changes!

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

I already explained to you why your reasoning for that statement is wrong. Via our debates : You based it on, those with less cards in their collection already get a higher percentage of free rewards then those with more cards in their collection so those with less already get more. This reasoning can't be applied to SM because players can have lots of cards and be playing the lower levels and vise versa..... Players can have few cards and be playing the higher levels.

Yeah, so as I said in Discord, what you say here is just total non-sense and obviously just you trying to hide your "I disagree to disagree!" mentality.

Take a look at these cuts. A blind man can see they are unfair.

60-20% less rewards daily
40% less rewards at end of season.

33-6.33% less rewards daily
25% less rewards at end of season.

20-0% less rewards daily
20-0% season less rewards at end of season..

The founders are trying to sell packs with 5 cards in them for $2 and at the same time giving away up to 20 cards a day for free in the daily. Its easy to see why pack sales have come to a crawl. The whole daily quest system needs to be reworked. The cards shouldn't be seen as rewards for those who already have. They should be seen as a tool to onboard new players who can earn cards for free and then move on to buying Alpha and Beta cards once they get hooked on playing the game with the rewards cards. No-one should be getting 20 free cards a day. I would even argue that no-one should be getting 10 free cards a day.

Currently, the reward cards are too strong to miss out on. You can make really strong decks with them and the top players can use them in various situations as well. The problem is that if you cut all rewards for the top players, they'll have to resort to using alts to get them in the lower leagues...

I feel like reward cards need a nerf... And once that nerf happened, maybe it can all be balanced a bit better, but getting the larger players to get almost the same amount of reward cards as lower players is not the solution. It would have to come paired with other semi-solutions in order to create one well-functioning, balanced system.


Yeah, so as I said in Discord, what you say here is just total non-sense and obviously just you trying to hide your "I disagree to disagree!" mentality.

The above statement describes you perfectly. You are a smart young man but have allot to learn about debating. I will help you out, your counter point has potential to be a valid counter point but your reasoning behind its validity is straight out wrong which weakens your argument greatly.

You make allot of valid points in the rest of your statement and I agree with allot of it but there is some misinformation provided as well.

Currently, the reward cards are too strong to miss out on. You can make really strong decks with them and the top players can use them in various situations as well.

I agree with all of that.

The problem is that if you cut all rewards for the top players, they'll have to resort to using alts to get them in the lower leagues...

I don't think anyone said in this topic to cut all rewards for top players. We are asking for a more fair reward distribution. As you and I both know ..... most already have alt accounts and a person can only play so many of them.

I feel like reward cards need a nerf... And once that nerf happened, maybe it can all be balanced a bit better, but getting the larger players to get almost the same amount of reward cards as lower players is not the solution. It would have to come paired with other semi-solutions in order to create one well-functioning, balanced system.

I agree with allot of that as well but again no-one is saying to give the top the same as the bottom or near the same. 15 - 1 is not near the same. Its not even close to being near the same.

A well balanced system is what everyone wants and is what I and others are arguing for. As I said numerous times ... SM biggest issue is its generosity. 20 cards for free while trying to sell 5 for $2 makes absolutely no sense. All my other points are well documented and I don't feel like going over the same things again. SO please try not to " disagree to disagree!" as I don't plan on responding to anything that distracts from the main topic or anything that requires me to go over my points with you yet again.
