Season 4 has 7 days left now. Beta packs left at the time of writing are 539,773/900,000.
League rewards:
Bronze III = 5 cards
Bronze II = 10 cards
Bronze I = 15 cards
Silver III = 20 cards
Silver II = 25 cards
Silver I = 30 cards
Gold III = 35 cards
Gold II = 40 cards
Gold I = 45 cards
Diamond III = 50 cards
Diamond II = 65 cards
Diamond I = 80 cards
Champion III = 100 cards
Champion II = 125 cards
Champion I = 150 cards
Daily Quest rewards:
Bronze - 1 card
Silver - 5 cards
Gold - 10 cards
Diamond - 15 cards
Champion - 20 cards
Lets do another giveaway. You can view the SteemMonsters site here, or just go to @steemmonster on steem.

I will give away a Highland Archer this time but if people seem to like these kinds of contests I will probably do more.
Simple Rules:
- Comment below the answer this riddle below 'When is a doctor most annoyed?'
- After 2 days a random human answer will be picked by rolling a dice bot
When he has lost SteemMonster battle or he is out of patients
Haha yeah :P Thanks for playing