Is The Steemmonster Kobold Miner Mining For Mene Gold: Finally Answered Here
Some of my loyal followers might have noticed I have gone a little bonkers for @steemmonsters .
Exhibit A:
While staring at my gold cards today I started obsessing over the Kobold Miner. After some initial research I came to a startling conclusion.
I have a developed a hypothesis that the Kobold Miner is actually mining for...
How did I reach this conclusion?
Follow my logic...
First, the Kobold miner has one of THESE:
I mean, the word “miner” is right in the name. So we can stipulate that he is mining SOMETHING.
There are different ways of mining, but two of the most common methods are open pit mining, and underground mining.
We know that the Kobold miner is underground mining because of this candle:
He also appears to be working quite hard as evidenced by this foot injury:
This is also consistent with gold mining as gold is very scarcely distributed in the earths crust and it takes a lot of difficult, dangerous work to get it out.
He also appears to be SMILING. For those of you lucky enough to find a gold foil @steemmonsters card, tell me, has it made you smile?
Another reason we know the Kobold miner loves gold:
“Kobold” rhymes with
“Mo Gold”
And perhaps the the most daming evidence that the Kobold miner loves gold:
We all know what leprechauns have!
And finally the most definitive piece of evidence that the Kobold Gold Foil Miner is Mining for Mene Gold is....
Lets take a closer look:
See what he is wearing on both ears?
Clearly the Kobold miner is a believer in wearable wealth like Mene 24k, and he is out to mine some more gold for Mene to craft into fine 24 karat jewelry.
I rest my case.
Earn $5 in Mene credit for signing up for Mene with this invite link:
Menē crafts 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry™ that is transparently sold by gram weight. By combining innovative technology with timeless design, Menē restores the ancient tradition of jewelry as a store of enduring value.
To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :
To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians :
To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:
For Menē 24k investment jewelry here:
I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.
All images sourced from Menē and Goldmoney.
Read more about Goldmoney:
See Steemians unbox Mene:
You convinced me..... Lol
Ha ha thank you!
Omg you are obsessed!! How did you even noticed that or even link the digging to gold! You just gold!!! Hahahha
Lol you know you love it : @travelgirl :)
Great picture, I see you have another t-shirt added to your collection.
That Kobold miner is a good friend to have!
I want him on my team
I wonder how many referral credits the kobold miner has? Probably a lot!
The same answer as always..... NOT ENOUGH :)
Lol, for sure the Kobold Miner is mining for gold @goldmatters ! Gold that you have all ready made awesome 24k jewellery from !! Hahah, loved your post and Steem Monsters, upped and resteemed !✌👌💕👏

Lol wow thanks karen!
Haha,your very welcome 👍😊
Posted using Partiko Android
Kobold is called Egbère in my language, he has magical power and there is a fable that he has power to give wealth to people.
No wonder, he goes around with movable wealth in both ears and still search for more GOLD.
Kobold <3’s Mene gold!
Based on the facts presented I see no other possible answer besides that HE IS mining for Mene! Btw I don’t think anyone could ever go that in depth about a card lol so creative
Lol thanks man
Wow, this is a deep investigation and not nonsense lol. and yes I will smile if I found gold.
lol right? Me too