Splinterlands: What is Your Favorite Rule Contest?

For my first Palnet post
Win Five Steem and a Gold Sea Genie!

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I can't recall ever seeing a strategy post about steemmonsters/splinterlands. I know there are a lot of variables so lets talk basic strategy and have a contest at the same time.

When I am playing Splinterlands.... I like certian rules more than others. For this contest, I would like you to comment below and tell me three things...
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1) What is your favorite rule.

2) What splinter do you use with it.

3) Why?

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I have written down my answer and the first person who answers the same as me wins. If no one gets it... I will pick my favorite answer. :) Go on.

Pick a Rule


Aim TrueArmored UpBack to BasicsEarthquakeFog of WarHealed out
Little LeagueLost LegendsMelee MayhemReverse SpeedRise of the commonsSilenced summoners
StandardSuper SneakTarget PracticeUnprotectedUp close and personal


I hope I didn't forget any.
This contest will run for one week. Leave your comments below and if you happen to know splinterlands players feel free to share... I could use the exposure. :) Thank you and as always...

Keep being Cool Steemians!!


  1. Armored Up

  2. Water Splinter

  3. Healing abilities + additional shield = perfect combination :)

This is a popular one.
Your choice has been entered.

Favourite rule is possibly Armored Up,..because everyone thinks they're safe, then I use my magic water deck to slip under that armor and POW!

Ahh ok I see what you did there.
You're entered!

  1. Melee Mayhem
  2. Fire
  3. Exploding dwarf with blast ability + goblin mech +pit ogre are pretty good with such rule :)

Yes. A very good combo indeed!
You are entered. :)

I Like Rise of The Commons with anything between 15-17 Mana do I can Use the Death Splinter. It has Been my go To Team and a strong Winner many Times.........That Skeleton Assassin and Twisted Jester always Seem to Come Through Strong !

Heck yes! That is a good one.
My goto 15 mana game is usually . Spirit, spider, Jester.
Your pick has been noted.

  1. What is your favorite rule.

Mele attack from any position

  1. What splinter do you use with it.

Fire with LEgendary Summoner

  1. Why?

Exploading Dwarf is a beast in this game type.

Yes indeed! That is a good tactic.
Noted. :)

Mine is Armored Up
Use the magic most and the enemy is gone 😊
Water splinter is best in this case.
Simple reason armored are big fail in case if magic attack and you will get extra magic attack with water summoner ☺

Yes that magic can be devastating.
It seems @agr8buzz feels the same.

@doctorcrypto, Kindly find my answers below.

  • Genuinely i don't see much towards the rule while battling.

  • Mostly i use Goblin Mech in the battles.

  • Goblin Mech because I've won my most of the battle with this one.

Have a great time ahead.

Posted using Partiko Android

The rules make a difference.
But yes the goblin mech is a good card to have.
you are entered in the contest.

Thank you so much. Enjoy your time ahead.

Hello there,so answer to your questions:

1)My favorite rule is Melee Mayhem.

2)I use fire splinter for it.

3)It is because during Melee Mayhem,Melee attack monsters can attack from any position.I like to take the opportunity and use fire splinter to maximize my attacking power.

You are the first contestant!
Your entry has been noted and I will send you 1 steem for being number 1!

Sent. :)

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.

Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!!