Hi Steemit Friends
Epic Dice looks like a good investment after all. After being burnt with Magic Dice, I have been reluctant with dice games and putting some money into gambling projects. Epic Dice I decided to give it a go not knowing what to expect. Pretty much the aim this time is to gather 1 million epic tokens and leave it there. Anything after would be a bonus if I decided to play.
The last 7 days, the dividend has been to sent to my wallet in different amounts. I am happy with anything. Anything is better than a loss in my opinion. Just checking the total dividend received, I am slowly creeping up to the 100 Steem mark. I like the look of that!

steemzzang은 @japanguide님 과 함께라서 행복합니다.
☀️ 가평 특산물 삼순이네 "된장 간장 고추장 청국장"
🌕 가평 운악산 삼순이네 청국장
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