President Donald Trump and the Letitia James Peekaboo AG and the court with no jury and judge acting as the prosecutor. In a case w no victims. Political Cartoon NFT

![]() Letitia James Peekaboo Political Cartoon for DONALD TRUMP the President of AMERICA ![]() Donald Trump’s TRUTH SOCIAL POST The beautiful ANCIENT CASTLE Noone built that for mail. Its before we arrived, its been here for millennia that structure. Not built in the 1880’s Maybe ” FOUNDED ERECTED OR REMODELED” but it is ANCIENT CASTLE

Truth social, the solitary realm I now inhabit, resonates with the essence of my convictions. In my unyielding quest for authenticity, I have consciously chosen this platform as the vessel for my expressions. I am not in it for quantity of followers, but QUALITY. My political cartoons are for world leaders, not the masses. I perceive a future where it shall stand unchallenged as the preeminent social medium. TRUTH SOCIAL the best..The others, entangled in the snares of commercialism and artifice, languish as they forsake their original ideals. And sell out clients like X did .

Within my digital vault, an NFT resides – a creation born not of pecuniary aspirations, but as a testament to the labor of love and the sanctity of personal expression. I encountered an insurmountable obstacle in my attempt to unveil it on opensea, for they deemed the President’s name a protected entity, and my usage thereof was henceforth restricted. I could not use his name DONALD TRUMP in a title in OPENSEA IO..Thus, they imposed upon me the creation of a distinct collection, a requirement that estranged me from the spirit of unity I hold dear. No, I will go to RARIBLE. I do not want to create new collections, they force me at opensea.

I relented, guided by necessity, to place my cherished creation on RARIBLE, where it awaits its manifestation as an NFT. YOU HAVE TO MINT IT. This path requires personal minting at a modest cost, affording one the privilege to craft and refine its description as they see fit. If you mint it, you can change description.. What a perk. It is, in essence, an embodiment of my belief that true art, like a free spirit, should not be confined by external constraints, but rather, should resonate with the soul of the creator and those who cherish it. You own original art, drawn by a citizen political cartoonist. NOT A SLAVE TO A NEWSPAPER.

I patiently await the return of my fellow citizens. I am waiting for MY PEOPLE like Howard Roark says. But I am STEPHEN MALLORY. That is my personality profile. I am the artist in the FOUNTAINHEAD. EXACTLY ME. ( No I did not shoot Ellsworth Toohey yet) Enduring an uninterrupted absence of both internet and telephone services, my days have stretched to a duration of thirty. 30 days no internet service. 30 days no phone. With unwavering diligence, I have met my financial obligations, ensuring my sustenance for the current lunar cycle. The impending dawn brings forth a torrent of thirty fresh compositions. I WILL WORK DAILY.

The tomes I have vended, resplendent in their semblance to masterpieces, have absorbed six to eight hours of my ardor. I spent 8 hours on cartoons I drew for paying clients, each, but you cannot see, they are sold. These visual creations bear the semblance of illustrious periodical covers, like magazine covers..yet remain concealed from public gaze. My patron, enigmatically enough, has decreed that these renderings shall find sanctuary within the digital confines of Spotify. My boss.

A curious phenomenon it is, that the receipt of remuneration inspires a magnitude of effort surpassing the ordinary by tenfold. I have been working for her, producing masterpieces. My political cartoons for her look like oil paintings. Indeed, the evidence of this shall manifest when the compendium receives publication. Guided by the wisdom of my superior, the venerable DAGNY TAGGART, such is her declaration. My boss says she is DAGNY TAGGART, She told me. She is going to put my collection on spotify. Its all her ideas. You cannot see them until she publishes them. There is a marketing agency and a lawyer involved. THIS IS A BIG CARTOON PROJECT. I was gone for a month, but I feel she will forgive me.

Acknowledging that I walk the path of a struggling artist, beset by individuals who crave both financial gain and attention, one cannot deny that within every artist’s journey, there resides a persistent thorn – in -your-side…those toxic relationships, those who fail to grasp the profound value of your craft. These thorns, you see, can come from unexpected quarters, even from your closest companions, forever blind to the true worth of your creative toil.

In my case, the tumultuous saga unfolds, replete with discord sown by those who seek to undermine and create chaos. It’s a cacophony of children inadvertently wreaking havoc upon my art, specters of alcoholism casting their long shadows, and the relentless barrage of criticism and laughter, all conspiring to cast shadows of doubt upon my dreams. It’s an arduous path to traverse, especially when tending to twenty chickens, four loyal canine companions, nurturing a greenhouse burgeoning with strawberries, and cultivating a vast expanse of tomato-laden fields. In addition, my abode is inhabited by a sprawling family, further complicating the pursuit of my artistic passions.

Yet, an additional burden rests upon my shoulders, as I’ve found myself embroiled in a complex $7 million lawsuit on behalf of a friend. Despite my aspirations as an artist, the world still perceives me through the lens of a paralegal. The irony is, not a single soul truly comprehends the fervor I harbor for my craft of political cartooning. They dismiss me with laughter. Each meager sum I earn, I’m compelled to disburse in bailouts, perpetually supporting others while my own dreams hang precariously.

My ultimate aspiration, a dream I cradle close to my heart, envisions a solitary office where none can shatter my focus. There, I envision my triumphant ascent beyond these trials and tribulations, standing tall upon the peak I’ve conquered. Such is the journey of every artist, for there exists within the heart of each creator, a figurative Dominique Francon, a shadow, an influence, an antagonist that defines their journey. Every artist , has their own DOMINIQUE FRANCON destroying their lives.

I am not alone in this, for I’ve observed discussions within the corridors of art forums. The perceptive artist, ISIS SOUSA, dedicated an insightful seven-part series to the very theme of artists and the perplexing relationships that intertwine with their craft. Indeed, each painter of renown, each celebrated author, has confronted their own brand of ‘necromancer,’ forever tethered to their creative existence. SOMEONE who DOES NOT RESPECT THEIR ART. Such is the artist’s fate, an enduring battle against external forces that both challenge and shape their creative endeavors. Baudelaire had the mulatto. Yes!

Charles Baudelaire, the famed poet and essayist, did indeed have a tumultuous relationship with Jeanne Duval, a Haitian-born actress and dancer. Their relationship was marked by passion, but it was also marred by conflict and substance abuse, making it one of the many complex love stories in the world of art. I believe she destroyed his esteem. He would have been far more famous. Here are a few other artists who experienced toxic or challenging relationships:

  1. Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera: The iconic Mexican artists Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera had a passionate but turbulent marriage. Their relationship was marked by infidelity, jealousy, and artistic rivalry, which found its way into their artworks. Instead of what they wanted to express, in their soul.
  2. Pablo Picasso and his various muses: Picasso had numerous tumultuous relationships with his muses and lovers, most famously with Dora Maar and Françoise Gilot. His volatile love life often influenced the themes and styles in his art. THEY FOUGHT HIM FOR HIS ATTENTION. They took knives to entire collections of his paintings.
  3. Ernest Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn: The celebrated writer Hemingway had a tempestuous relationship with fellow journalist and writer Martha Gellhorn, marked by competitiveness, infidelity, and frequent clashes. This hurt his work tremendously.
  4. Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin: Van Gogh’s relationship with fellow artist Paul Gauguin in Arles, France, was marked by intense conflicts, leading to the infamous incident in which Van Gogh severed his own ear. This is a stain on his legacy.
  5. Edgar Allan Poe and Virginia Clemm: The famous American poet and writer had a controversial relationship with his first cousin, Virginia Clemm, whom he married when she was just 13 years old. Her death from tuberculosis at a young age had a profound impact on his work. The artist always has ONE THORN IN THEIR SIDE.
  6. Edvard Munch: The Norwegian painter’s complicated relationships, particularly with Tulla Larsen, were marked by emotional turbulence, jealousy, and mental health struggles, which found expression in his evocative and psychologically charged paintings, such as “The Scream.”

In the insightful ISIS SOUSA PODCAST, artists receive invaluable guidance on navigating the intricate terrain of creative pursuits, a terrain that often demands the excision of toxic friendships and even familial relationships that cast doubt upon one’s artistic journey. The podcast underscores a stark reality: artists, when presenting their portfolios to prospective clients, occasionally encounter individuals with ulterior motives, seeking personal involvement instead of a genuine appreciation of their work.

Facts support this narrative, with numerous artists having confronted such challenges throughout history. For instance, the legendary architect Howard Roark, as depicted in Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead,” relied on his sketches as his primary means of defense during his initial trial. Roark’s steadfast dedication to his craft, and his refusal to compromise his artistic integrity, serves as a resounding example of how the focus on one’s art can serve as the ultimate testament of creative commitment, bypassing the allure of media or extraneous entanglements.

The ISIS SOUSA PODCAST serves as a valuable resource, echoing the timeless wisdom that, in the realm of art, one’s work should take precedence over distractions, echoing the legacy of artists who have, in various ways, embraced this philosophy in the pursuit of their creative vision.

The creation before you, however, demanded just a single hour of my labor – a brief but focused burst of creative energy. It’s intriguing to observe that my dedication and motivation tend to amplify when I’m working on commissioned projects. The early morning hour of 4 am does not align well with my creative process, as I’ve come to realize that my best work typically blossoms under the illuminating influence of daylight.

It’s worth noting that a significant portion of my day was dedicated to the intricate task of restoring my modem and obtaining a replacement phone. Nevertheless, I’m resolute in my assurance to you: I am committed to delivering a fresh cartoon every day. I lament having missed my annual participation in Inktober, a tradition I’ve faithfully upheld, marking this year as the first time I’ve faltered in my dedication. My recent experience of an entire month-long blackout seemed almost otherworldly, as a string of unfortunate events led me to ponder if some cosmic force harbored displeasure toward me.

During this trying period, a series of calamities beset me, including an untimely flat tire that left me stranded and immobile. The closest store remained a daunting two-hour walk away. Simultaneously, my phone and modem ( AT HOME) both malfunctioned, exacerbating my sense of disarray. Adding to my tribulations, my faithful beloved canine companion went missing, and certain individuals in my life unexpectedly vanished, creating an eerie void of uncertainty for many weeks. There was more. But I handled the apocalypse beautifully. I impressed myself. I pulled myself back here to post this cartoon. I crawled back, to you.

In the face of these adverse circumstances, I couldn’t help but feel as if the universe itself sought to convey a cryptic message to me. I saw myself, like Trump, fighting the battle of my life. Nevertheless, let me assure you that I remain unswervingly dedicated to the craft of political cartooning. My artistic fervor remains undeterred, and it’s a commitment that transcends adversity. As they say, you would have to figuratively sever my limbs to deter me, for my devotion to this art form is akin to an unyielding force, a testament supported by my unwavering dedication to creating political cartoons. If you knew what I had to do, to get these out, you would hand me an award. Overcoming adversity.

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