Steemjet brainstorming session - Big surprize, Shrazi leveled the competition, nobody came close
But now we are looking at the end of the story and could use some creative input. We are getting to the end of the story where we teach blockchain apps, and could use some creative input before Shrazi puts in a ton of work and we make him pivot. Please read his post and my comment at the bottom if you want to help, thanks!
Going forward, we will be using this likeness as Olivia.
Hello @dimimp I have put in my best to do what you asked me to do and I will like you to take a close look at it. I will also be very happy if you find it useful. This is a better way to make steemjet more efficient than it is now. I believe we can achieve our goal with numbers and through the division of labour. I have also made a full post with it and it can be found on my blog through the link below

you really need to see this to give your own review
Thank you
Nice work friend
Keep up with the good works👍
You have done so we'll,your timeless contribution to this initiative is highly appreciated,God bless you
Yeah...amen God bless us all too as one family.
Nice and impressive organogram. I couldn't agree more with the departments structuring
Now I need to go lookup organogram - organization diagram
Weldone @empato365.. Doing great man
To the office of the lannisters @dimimp
Very good division of community categories and as such, I have included this categories into the discord server and included several channels as listed here to accomodate every category providing them their own specific discussion rooms to carry out their business.
If there are any more listing to be included, we should still be able to include this thanks @empato365 for providing thus list.
on the wings of superstars, we are words and steem
This is impressive
this is nice, I will like the boss @dimimp to categorize each space force member into their department, so they will know what they will do.
A good job deserves a well-done! Well done empato!
mboro - elvis/mbj -no upvotes
I love the division of labour tree
I love my health department as well
@empato365 you are steemjetically gifted
This is awesome, this division of work force is just the best that has happened to STEEMJET, the future of steemjet is so bright. Weldone @empato365, this is quite commendable.
Longlive the steemjet teams!
this chat real indicate a real division of labor which will yield a good result
long life steemjet
your work is very brest sir
This is absolutely what we want... You deserve better bro @empato365
Good job man. I wish i get a depertment!
This is really impressive @empato
@empato365, i want to join with Steemjet musuc/band. how can i do this?
Nice one @empato, this is really the blueprint of how steemjet's organigram should look like
nice one
you really need to see my post steem belt wear by frog in this pic
Outstanding on assignment! Leadership by example
It's a nice organisation chat you have there @empato365.
you are right man...
I'm working on steemjet and steemhigh . I need your encouragement and I think that you will love my photowork. My other work on steemjet
This is great. I like the colour
This is exactly an airport setting
With steemjets all over don't know if i have gotten the right description
Hello Friend,
I know you're trying to get your entries/designs reviewed, but we're trying to make the comment section accessible to everyone
because a lot of people are complaining (espicially mobile phone users) that they can't access @dimimp's post hence cannot
participate in the community. Please delete IMAGES and post only links to them, i'll give an upvote for that.
From the Steemjet Security Team.
For more Info
you really need to see my post
You could have made a post with your art work and drop the link here. In the last post, the security department already warned everyone about posting of images. Unless, it's a contest that requires dropping it.
When you post with the steemjet tag, the art department has a way of relaying it to dimimp better.
Nice work and please let's stick to instructions.
This is so creative fella @dimimp will love your work
I agree... Links are better than images outright.i slows comments
wow man your jet is in helicopter
Nice design though link would have suffice
I agree with @afolwalex here, in order not to stump the post with two much designs it would be preferable to make a post with your designs and simply drop your links here. Very soon, this would be considered as spamming but steemjet is linear with our launch codes and we can permit this (spam) for the first as you can see , you got an upvote... The rest is up to you to decide if you would continue to spam or you would deviate to quality contributions.
This is creatively beautiful
Nice,....@dimimp likes it Upvoted.
That was a master piece by @Shrazi
He's miles away. Here are my designs boss.
Then I played around with this
Though I know we don't need more logos.. But I still made this anyways....
donnest - 100 liquid
donnest - 100 liquid
I think I should edit and do the needful @afolwalex
Please do.
-Security department
You should
Hey man
Please read these guidelines to know why we don't need images or entries on the CEO's post.
On yeah bro... I Gat the gist. Noted bro
We want the comment section to be easily accessible to everyone. Entries not related to post, spams, and images not needed are not wanted.
Scrolling the comment section is difficult and sometimes even impossible due to lots of images and irrelevant comments.
If you have a design for steemjet, make it as a post and paste the link here instead. We are sure the boss will see it and other members of the space force too. Just use the relevant tags such as the #steemjet tag.
-@dromzz from Steemjet supervisor team
Thanks @dromzz. Sorry I flouted the rule... Won't happen next time
No problem.
Nice @dimip likes it...Upvoted.
Here are my entries and my proposal to get onboard the steemJET SPACE FORCE. @dimimp
Thank you for listening
Security doing well... Cool for taking correction @donnest
@dromzz you really need to see my post
i made it after backward conversation
Nice @dimip likes it...Upvoted.
yeah it is great
No design Images are allowed. We made this clear in the last post.
Drop your images in a post and drop the links here.. Or rather, drop the images in the contest entries of the previous post. This isn't a contest post.
Be warned!
From the security department.
OK sir. Noted
Congratulations @shrazi great work it is glad you make a interested story and everyone inspired by your story you have a great talent and sir @dimimp love your work we are words and steem
I have been catching up on curating my old posts and getting the time contest wrapped up so I can concentrate on the captain contest and getting our music teams hooked up, and I noticed that you work hard and don't span, so I wanted to say thank you with some blog upvotes!
@dimimp likes the role you play....Upvoted einstei1
Please make time to visit my blog, i have a proposal for you.
I will like @dimimp to end some contest so as to reduce spamming
God bless steemjet
Thank Sir @dimimp we love you Sir but there is one problem I can not open your page due to more comments i have a mobile which contains low Ram so please Sir Make a Plan about it
Don't worrry, the security team are doing their best.
I Know Sir You Maked Great Rules For That We Appreciate Your Work Thanks For Your Action Against Spammers We Love Sir @dimimp & His Whole Team
you really need to see my post sir @dimimp
Hearing this makes me happy
you really need to see my post sir @dimimi
Thanks Dear, He love everyone's work
Welcome my brother no need for thanks
My steem high entry art
elenzy - steem high - 6
Hello sir @dimimp,
These are some of my minimalistic designs for steemjet.
These basically represents Time and Golden Opportunities as the background which abounds within Steemjet and Steemit.
Thank you.
For the greatest good of Steemjet! We are superstars!
the second graphic makes the real for steemjet, having a good background watermarks.
That is great.
Glassy clock
I love this so much
The design is so simple and lovely
We want the comment section to be easily accessible to everyone. Entries not related to post, spams, and images not needed are not wanted.
Scrolling the comment section is difficult and sometimes even impossible due to lots of images and irrelevant comments.
If you have a design for steemjet, make it as a post and paste the link here instead. Just use the relevant tags such as the #steemjet tag.
You can read more here
-@dromzz from Steemjet security team
you really need to see my post sir @dimimp
I love the way you stack the items on the high
Really showing the ultitude steem, steemjet is going
Hello @dimimp, This is my latest contribution to the steemjet network:
I promised to dedicate my major works (photography) to the steemjet community and i'm doing just that, thanks to your support.
I created a photography concept for the steemjet network and i've made several exhibits so far. I would love if you could assess them and give your feedback.
Thank you Sir for your continuous support
Below are the Links to the posts:
Beautiful photograph you got there
Hello Friend,
I know you're trying to get your entries/designs reviewed, but we're trying to make the comment section accessible to everyone because a lot of people are complaining (espicially mobile phone users) that they can't access @dimimp's post hence cannot
participate in the community. Please delete IMAGES and post only links to them, i'll give an upvote for that.
From the Steemjet Security Team.
For more Info
you really need to see my post sir @dimimp
We want the comment section to be easily accessible to everyone. Entries not related to post, spams, and images not needed are not wanted.
Scrolling the comment section is difficult and sometimes even impossible due to lots of images and irrelevant comments.
If you have a design for steemjet, make it as a post and paste the link here instead. We are sure the boss will see it and other members of the space force too. Just use the relevant tags such as the #steemjet tag.
-@dromzz from Steemjet supervisor team
Ok...Thanks @dromzz for this information.
I will make sure I take precaution next time.
You are really doing a great job @dromzz
Thank you. Could you remove the picture from your current comment
nice work indeed.
Sea port like
Tourist center
Please all Steemjet newbies should indicate here!
Hello! sir @dimimp,
The Art Department of the #Steemjet Community has carried out a hunt and collections from the Graphics Designing Contest 1 of 3 (TIME)
The reason for this it to make it easier for you to access it since many of them are submitted long ago and a buried in tones of comment.
Bellow are the TWO links to the first and the second collection
Take a look at it.

Good job boy.. hope mine is catalog.. keep up the goo work. @dimimp is a great man, let us make him proud.
Follow the link and check it out .. if it is not there then get back to me, with link to you post. welcome.
Good job mbj
Nice one brother
Wish you compile all other contest as well
Good job man.
my hard working friend @mbj. Welcome #steemjet
kudos to @shrazi for making the Olivia story a success for the whole community, a success to one is a success to all. Welcome, we are proud of you, we you make us proud of the community.
Thanks a lot, You are absolutely right a success to one is a success to all.
Okay that's some great work by @shrazi. Obviously he needs an influx of new ideas. Since it will be best that way. Doing it alone might make the story a tad too limited. I'll go over to the post and see what I can input.
Great job @shrazi. You are the definition of efficiency.. No kidding!!
Ubongj I see you, great job @shrazi got there...
It's Edibobo
My main man... I see you flying, please carry me along oo
i agree with you @ubongj
and i am proud on @shrazi beause he is pakistani and i am ..
have a great day dear
You words makes me proud, But I just tried and will try my best
That's it man. Just keep on doing what you do best..
You on discord?
Yes @ubongj, Its my biggest mistake to create account on discord :D
hehehe am i right @shuta?
Oh sorry about that.. You still on there??. Maybe we could talk a bit
sure dear
Hahaha @shrazi.... I understand what you mean :D... But don't worry, it's in the past now :)