" Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks "

Hi everyone, I am rochelejohn. You can call me ROCH or JOHN. I live in the beautiful island of Cebu, Philippines. I work as a health advocate specifically on health and nutrition. I love travelling and studying different cultures from different places I have been. I love food very much and my favourite foods are Adobo and sweet and sour type of foods. I am a frustrated writer but slowly I am making improvement on it. I love equality and respect but somehow other people don't know what those words are. I love reading books and articles regarding, food, health and nutrition, and anything under the heat of the sun that would catch my attention.
Honestly speaking, I joined steemit for fun only since I do not have anything to do with my life I am totally a wanderer. I wander where my feet will go, wander where my eyes can still see a sight and wander where I can find a permanent place where I can call it a ‘’home’’. Yes it started as a fun, a fun that becomes a habit. Everything started to change as time goes by. I got acquainted with people that I do not know, talk with them and learn a lot of new things with them. I can post what I have learned and create a great blog for it. I can express my feelings without any hesitation and read a lot of post that has the same sentiment with mine. Steemit become my home, my home where I can talk to, my home where I can run to when I am in need of things to uplift myself and my home where there are a lot of mothers to ask for help, fathers that will guide you in every steps that you will take, siblings that will protect you and be with and friends who are worthy to be treasured for.
Steemit also become a role model community. You will see a lot of people helping each other for the betterment of the community. You will see people selling items and their talents as well. And I would like to emphasize the word ‘’talents’’. Here in steemit, you will see a lot of talented people.
There are those who were given with beauty that can launch a thousand ships like Helen of Troy and will leave a smile in your heart, mind, body and soul.
There are those who are computer scientist, I prefer to call them scientist rather than geek because they are expert on it and not nerd. These are people who are really good in computer and its applications. Name it, from animation, editing down to software development they all has it. So if you have problem with your computer or software, they are the best people you can run to and you can find it here in steemit.
There are those who are given an eagle eye that can capture beautiful things. From simple scenery, they can find a spot where it turns out to be a one of a kind image or photography and you can find it here as well.
There are those who are great commentators that will comment things for the good of your work and for you to improve more.
There are those who were given a golden hand since they can bake good products and cook good foods that make your jaw drop. I can call them food gourmet masters.
There are also great educators that will teach and guide you in this community. They can give great advices for you to be familiar in this community and techniques for you to enjoy this site.
There are video bloggers that shares what they have learned and also share what their world is all about.
So many things, races, religion and anything under the heat of the sun you will see in here.
At steemit, it gives empowerment in every individual to live a life at its best with the purpose of helping each other. At steemit, it leaves a mark in every individual to be responsible and leave a legacy that could change the world into better place to live in.
After knowing what steemit is all about, I came into a point where I question myself. How can I be an effective steemians? How will I touch the heart of every steemians and leave a mark and legacy?
Since I am a health and nutrition advocate. I can touch them by doing the following:

  1. giving them what food to eat when their body is not functioning well
  2. advice them the better way to handle oneself when in sick or even not in sick
  3. Make blogs that since food is very essential to humankind, everyone should know the principle of MOVABA which stand for moderation, variety and balance.
    Mo-moderation means eating not too much or not too little beyond one’s need. When too much or too little food is being served in one’s body, the body will not function well and it is because the enough or too much nutrient it had.
    Va-variety means eating different types of food. Eating only one type of food will not guarantee you that you will get all the necessary nutrients needed by your body. Always remember and put it in your mind that no single food could give you all the essential nutrients needed by your body and lastly balance
    Ba-balance means having all the type of food needed by your body which represented by go, grow and glow food group. Your plate must have a representation of every three food groups. Vegetables and fruits for your glow foods, meat, fishes, soy and other protein-rich food for your grow and carbohydrate rich food like brown rice, wheat bread and cereal for your go foods.
    I think with this simples steps and simple reminder, I can make a change. Big things start from a small beginning. Yes, I am a newbie in this kind of community but I will let them know that a newbie or not is not a hindrance for you to be a successful changer and I will let them know that with that small beginnings, my name will be remembered.
    Everyone know about the saying ‘’survival of the fittest’’ but I think when everyone works together, surviving is an easy thing. Keep in mind what TEAM is all about. TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieve More, so together let us work hand in hand and unite amidst diversity.

@dobartim @flysky @aidasfg7