Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #7 : The Ultimate Changes Steemit Have Brought to my Life

When I read about the challenge initiated by @dobartim on the topic How has Steemit ultimately changed my life, I got really interested and excited. It wasn’t long ago since I joined this amazing platform, and in the short time I was here, so many amazing things happened in my life. I have come across this wonderful challenge only last Saturday, and it saddened me to know that it is in its last week. But looking at the positive side, I’m glad I was still able to join! And though this is a last minute entry, hopefully, my readers will be able to enjoy and get inspiration from it. So without further ado, let me share with you my Steemit story, and all the amazing changes this platform have brought to my life!


Steemit brings sunshine in my soul everyday.

It was last January when I signed up for Steemit and was approved the next day. To be honest, I didn't know what this platform was really about. I was just told by my good friend @fukumineko that you get paid when you post, like, share, and comment on others. Since I am already doing such things on other social media platforms, I said okay, I'll give it a try.

Before I got approved I didn't check the contents of the site. I wasn't skeptical, I just didn't take it seriously at first. As soon as I got approved, I logged in to my account, went to my feed, and read some of the trending posts. I was in awe at all the contents I have read. That's when I knew this platform was all that I have been wishing for -- a platform where I can share my skills as a writer, tell my story, and get paid for doing so!

Right now, I am a public school teacher and I also co-own a small preschool, with my mother as my business partner. But before all of these, I was into online freelancing. My previous jobs include content writing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, web development, and many more for seven long years. From time to time, I still accept project-based jobs from my previous clients.

Having said, before Steemit, I was already into blogging. Aside from managing work-related websites, I was also managing my personal blog site. As a blogger, it has always been my dream to make money from blogging. I tried several monetization schemes such as Google Adwords and Google Adsense, and although I was earning, it wasn't enough to go full time.

So I stuck around with my employers for a stable income. Most of them were really nice and paid me well. I also learned so much from all the training they provided me. But, despite all the perks I was getting, I always felt something was missing. I wasn't fulfilled with what I was doing. So I contemplated. A lot. Until I found out the reason for such discontentment.

I wanted to be recognized for my work, not by my employers, but by my audience. Sure, it felt great when clients commended me for producing well-written posts, or when I see good comments on my published articles. But, anywhere I look, I couldn't find my name. I was a ghostwriter. I existed, but nobody knew me. Gradually, I felt indifferent which resulted in a paradigm shift -- a change in career.

Since I belong to a family of educators, I became a teacher and an entrepreneur eventually. I have learned to love being a teacher now, although I faced difficulties at first. But writing has always been my first love -- it started when I was in elementary. I was a campus journalist for the category feature writing. Through writing, I was able to make a living for seven years as a digital homesteader.

Writing has been embedded in my system, so I kept writing. And that's the best thing about it, you can continue doing so, no matter where life takes you. But when my blog site was hacked two years ago, I was devastated. The years of hard work and the time and effort invested were put to waste, in an instant!

Because of that, I let go of my dream to become a successful blogger.

Then Steemit came...

❤️ Steemit gave me HOPE to pursue my passion and my dream

It had been almost two years since my personal blog was hacked. So when I found out that Steemit was actually a blogging platform where authors get paid for posting contents, I got really excited! After reviewing several contents from different authors, I wrote my first post.

I was nervous because it was the first time after a long time that I wrote again publicly. I had thoughts like "Will I have an audience?", "If I ever have, will they like my work?", "Will I get upvotes from them?".

Clearly, I was anxious. My first entry was not an introduction post (I didn't know there was such), just random thoughts and musings. To my surprise, there were people who took the time to read my post. I was very happy when they started to upvote my first entry and even dropped comments. I got even more excited when people started to follow me. From zero followers I was able to get about 30 on my first day. It was a euphoric moment for me!


We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure.

My ultimate dream is to be a digital nomad. I have been dreaming of traveling around the world, seeing and enjoying all the beauty this world can offer, experiencing a different culture, and meeting and making connections with people from all over the world! I am hoping that Steemit could be my ticket to the realization of that dream. And when I read @karensuestudios 's Steemit success story I thought it really is possible! Her dreams, which were similar to mine, came true because of Steemit, and that's also what I'm aiming for! With talent, passion, and all the right attitude, nothing is impossible. Thank you for the inspiration, Karen!

❤️ Steemit helped me regain my confidence in writing


I never tried to start a new blog when it was lost. All I felt at the time was discouragement, and hatred towards the person who ruined my blog (I knew who he was, but that's another story to tell).

But with Steemit, I finally had the courage to write again, publicly!

Today marks my 72nd day in Steemit. And though things weren't easy, I am happy with every milestone I have achieved in this platform. It took a while before I was able to gain enough audience for my contents, gain my reputation, and earn my rewards. But everything was worth it!

I finally received the recognition from my audience that I have been wishing for! It melts my heart whenever I receive wonderful comments from my followers. They inspire me to be better at what I do! I couldn’t be more grateful for all the love and support I have been getting since day one.

And though most of the time, the posts which I wrote for three to four hours would only earn cents, I never got discouraged. I know that many of my fellow redfishes get disheartened whenever their posts go unnoticed despite all the effort they have exerted. But let me tell you this, I have tried several other blogging platforms, but nothing has ever rewarded me as much as Steemit did.

Let this be a reminder to my fellow redfishes that success doesn't come easy. Aside from skills and talent, it also requires hard work, dedication, perseverance, and PATIENCE -- a lot of it! Success comes when you continue to persevere despite the odds, when you are willing to improve when people criticize your work, when you keep trying despite losing. And above all success comes when you have good and amazing people behind your back.

That being said, aside from having a creative outlet for my passion in writing, earning money from the contents I make, and a hope for the realization of my dream, I guess the best contribution of Steemit to my life is the gift of FRIENDSHIP!

❤️ Steemit gave me friends whom I can depend on

I am still far from being successful on this platform, but I would still like to say that all of my successes here were mainly because of the people who are continuously supporting me.

I would like to thank all of the communities I am a part of -- @steemitfamilyph, @steemph.davao, and @steemitachievers. They were the ones who motivated me, helped me improve, and provided opportunities for me. They guided me well enough until I have learned most of the things I needed to learn. Most of all, with them, I have gained new friends, whom I know I can count on anytime.

Steemit is not just about producing quality contents, more importantly, this platform is about connecting people from all parts of the world through their talents and skills. Because of Steemit, I have found a second home and a family!

❤️ Steemit saved me from depression and gave me a new source of happiness

The last two years were very tough for me. I changed my job, and I lost the blog that I have built for years. I endured so many challenges and made so many adjustments. Little things like waking up early, having a smaller income, and not having time freedom all added up to my depression.

Depression was not easy to deal with -- I fought hard just to fix myself. I had issues with opening up to others, so during times of deep despair, I resort to writing just to let my feelings out. Writing has somehow helped me fight depression.

Eventually, I got better. And though I wasn't fully okay, I started to love and embrace all the changes that happened in my life.

When Steemit came, it opened me to a world that is filled with creativity, positivity, and possibilities. Unlike other social media sites wherein people easily bash and judge others, here, people show compassion and support.

In the morning, it makes me happy to be greeted by several amazing people from all the communities I am part of, especially from my Ohana -- my home and my family in Steemit. During our vacant time, we bond through our favorite place - Discord.

Ohana means family, and family means no one is left behind. This is our family's tagline. Indeed, we treat each other like brothers and sisters and we support and help each other grow in the platform. We also make sure our bond is strongly maintained, so from time to time we hold contests on our server.

Currently, we are hosting three games on our discord:

  1. Guess that Ohana member -- wherein each of the contestants will provide 5 facts about him/her that others will try to guess
  2. Bring me -- wherein players are asked to bring what the game master will ask by taking a picture of the "thing" with his/her username included in the photo, and the
  3. Choppy Karaoke night every Friday -- wherein participants will sing through our servers' voice channel and the winners will be judged according to the members' votes.

Our bonding sessions are really fun and indeed made us closer to each other. I would love to give a shout out to each one, but it will fill so much space if I do. So I'll just say, kudos to the leaders, staff, and members of Ohana, you are all amazing!

Additionally, it also gives me JOY when somebody upvotes my 5-hour in the making post, especially when they leave comments, and decided to follow me.

It also makes me smile everytime I see one of my family members get upvoted by renowned curators such as @curie and @ocd.

Above all, I get happy everytime I hit the upvote button because I know that even if my upvote holds a small value, somebody will be happy and be reminded that his/her work is appreciated.

❤️ Steemit opened so many doors of opportunities for me

Because of Steemit, my passion for writing was rekindled. I was able to explore my potentials and challenged the limitations I have set for myself.

As an example, poems are always my weakness. When I was in college, I cried because I couldn't complete the poem we were required to do. But with Steemit, I was able to write four poems in total, one of which was submitted to a contest and won the 5th place! It was about a real-life event that happened in my life. And since then, I have been supporting contests initiated by other Steemians.

DnW Poetry Contest #2: UNFORGOTTEN

If I'm not good with poems, I am even worse at drawing. But, with Steemit, I was able to draw something nice, in my opinion LOL, when I joined a contest for the non-artist. And again I won the 5th place in this contest.

Drawing Contest for the NON ARTIST #1: My First Art Work for 2018

I was also hesitant at first to share my life story because I was afraid to be judged by others. But upon seeing how positive Steemians are, I started sharing more about my life. One of my favorite contests was the Project Smile Contest. I wrote about the reason behind my smile, and this entry made me win the 2nd place! :)

The Reason Behind My Smile

The most recent contest that I have joined was the contest initiated by @anomadsoul -- A Tour Around My Hometown. There were over 300 entries for that contest, and when I saw my name on the list of winners, I literally dropped from where I was sitting! I was so happy. This was by far the win that I am most proud of.

My 2018: A tour around my town - Tagum City, Philippines

Moreover, I also won SP delegation from @jrswab. I was entrusted with 50 SP for a week's time which I believe I was able to utilize properly.

Redfish & Minnow Delegation Winners!

Then, I got invited by @sfp-cebu to be a judge for a contest: What It Means To Be A Woman - SFP-Cebu #WomanPower Writing Contest. I was really impressed by the entries so I was inspired to make my own tribute to a special woman in my life -- my mother. This post gave me my first @curie vote! I was so happy, it was like a was given a Grammy award for such recognition!

Woman Power | A Tribute to a Superwoman

❤️ Steemit has helped me financially

As a public school teacher in a third world country where income is low, and a single mother to my 11-year old son, I'd have to say my salary is not enough to cover all our needs. And though I own a small preschool, we are still in our first year, so we still haven't seen the return on our investment. Hence, I have to look for other means to earn.

As I mentioned earlier, I still accept project-based jobs from clients. But there are times when I have to refuse because of my demanding schedule and workloads at school. With Steemit, I have found a means to earn without the pressure of beating deadlines and conforming to the standards set by my clients. Here, I can write anytime, at my own pace, on topics I am most comfortable with. Here, I can earn just by pursuing my passion!


This was taken at Davao City international airport before the flight. Thank you Steemit, for making this trip possible!

I haven't written a post about my first payout. But last February 16, I was able to cash out 30 SBD at a rate of 5usd/1sbd. I used the money as my allowance on my trip to Dumaguete City to support my son on his writing event -- National Schools Press Conference. It was an amazing trip, as it was the first time we rode a plane together! :)

Having mentioned everything above, it is clear how Steemit ultimately changed my life positively!

Hence, I have made a goal for myself to share Steemit to others, so they too can experience all the greatness Steemit has to offer! This summer, I, together with my good friend and co-teacher @fukumineko, will be initiating a seminar-workshop to our Senior High School students who have potentials and the willingness to learn.

It is our mission to impart our knowledge about cryptocurrency and the Steem blockchain, guide them on how to create good quality contents, and provide tips on how to succeed on the platform. We want to empower these students so they can continue to explore and develop their skills, talents, and potentials; and above all, so they can achieve economic independence!

I am truly grateful for all the wonderful changes Steemit has brought to my life. :)

Thank you so much for reading my story!








And there you go becoming an inspiration to me. It was a lenghty but a well written post. I hang on to every word you said in here. Thank you for sharing and for inspiring.

Thank you so much for dropping by and hanging on towards the end of my post @filnette. I'm so glad that somehow I was able to inspire you. More power to you, and keep steeming! :)

Lengthy and I have hard times reading (joke).. Glad to have you as an Ohana. Thank you for such an inspiration to the group. Steem on!

Lodi sistah :)

Ahahaha. Asta bitaw d i taasa noh! Lol! Salamat brotha! hahaha

Sakto ra oi... igo² ra hangakon gud hahahaha.. Bitaw, inspiring kaayo imong stories, maka ingon man sad tag #howtobeyoupo hahaha

hahahaha! kataw anan man ni oie. buing gyud ka ba! pero salamat kaau, kay nibasa ka, maskin hangak siya. hahaha

There are so much passion and joy on this post - it's quite contagious!
I've never tried blogging before, perhaps I was a bit unconfident with my skills. But if I ever get discouraged again, I'll look back to this post and see that passion can overcome challenges.

You are such a great source of positivity and inspiration. We always have your back as you always have ours! Peace, sistah.

Really? But you were so good with your previous posts! Hindi halata na walang experience.

Thank you so much bro (ahem). :D I know it's quite lengthy so I really appreciate you taking the time to read this. I'm glad that I was able to provide inspiration through this post. It is my desire to inspire people, especially non Steemians to experience what this platform can truly offer! :)

Again, thank you. Much appreciated! ^_^

I honestly did not notice the length 😁 And thank you for the positive feedback. Yeah, haven't blogged but I used to write essays in school. Oh, similar to your son, essays + math, just no sports :P.

Man, I so agree to that. This is such a good take on what Steemit brings and for sure it will resonate to aspiring bloggers. Please cross-post it somewhere outside Steemit too. I will be sharing this to some of my friends from outside the platform as well.

Oh wow, thank you so much bro! ^_^

Yeah, I was planning to share this with my friends, and my students, coz it's hard to explain to them one by one hahaha. My goal is to convince them to join our seminar-workshop.

You should write again! Lol. I know you're so busy with your new "role" right now, but I hope to read a post from you soon. :) And btw, I was also a Math quizzer when I was in elem and HS, and same as you, wala din sports. hahaha. Kaya apir tau jan! :D

Nice post!

Kidding aside it was really fun reading this piece Maine and thank you for the support to the projects and activities that Ohana is pushing.

We are so glad that we have you with us. Also I do relate on this one

❤️ Steemit gave me HOPE to pursue my passion and my dream

I was able to find joy writing stories and was able to tell myself na masarap ang may audience na nakakabasa ng gawa. Having an interaction with the readers and how I was able to somehow disappoint / make them happy with the plot twist na ikakagulat nila hhaha.

Hope you win this challenge and all the best happy steeming!

Awwww thanks TP! 😃

You are doing great! Sobrang nag eenjoy aq sa mga serye mo, I wish I have more time pra magawa q rin ung kwento q. You are so creative, and you're good both in English and Filipino! Waley aq pag Tagalog eh. Lol.

And sa panalo, di na aq aasa 😂 Andaming sumali ngaung last week na maganda! Pero nasa kay Lord na un qng ibigay nya. Nevertheless, Im just glad to share my Steemit story. :)

Yes truths basta we can share and unleash our story definitely it is really worth trying.

Bwahahah I hi jack ko nadin ang post mo.

For those fiction writers who are reading her post you may want to join my writing contest too. :)

Ahahaahaha go lang! I-resteem q rin pala ung contest para ma expose lalo. 😁

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 14 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 15 SBD worth and should receive 98 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Thank you so much for this @trufflepig! 😍

Stalks Min-Min's profile. Gustong-gusto ko iyong naka-upo sa buhangin na may hawak na bote ng alak <3

Wahahaha. Thank you 2k. Pero di po yan bote ng alak. Nakita ko lang po iyan sa dalampasigan. Props lng, para may effect2x. hahaha

am so glad to know that steemit had given you this drive... steem on!

Thank you so much sis! You were among the first people who helped me and inspired me on this platform. So thank you. More power! :)

aww.. am honored sis..

Great post! “Steemit helped you realize your dreams!”
Can’t beat that!
God bless!
Daddy William

Thank you William. Much appreciated! 😃

I see RK here😊. Anyway, nice post, curie missed this one, shall I call them? 😊.

Hi sir Long! Di pa po pwede i submit kc bago lang po ako na curie. To God be the glory! And under the same category po kasi.

Pero ok lang un. Im just glad to share my story, and to let everyone know how great this platform is. Thanks po for ur continued support. Mabuhay kau!

How and where you usually submit. I want to submit mine and some other contents by SA members...

Sir Long, you need to join curie's discord group. Then register to be a curator po. You need to be a curator before you can submit. :)

Ito po yung link nila sa discord

nice story chinita <3

Thank you, Joey. 😃