United-100 Days of Poetry Challenge: Day Forty Four

I stand before you,
holding my head high.
Wisdom gleaming in my eyes,
I foresee the difficulty you have,
in believing in me,
but that reaction,
is just a mirror on how you really feel inside.
Freedom is not something to toy around with,
you will not win it fighting alone,
Who you stand with
helps define who you are
and how you are known.
Your inner wisdom shines
and lightens up the darkness you hold inside,
we are all one and the same
when we choose to walk side by side.

1st Image:https://livingcosmo.deviantart.com/art/United-we-stand-divided-we-fall-645568856
2nd Image:http://terranceism.bigcartel.com/

Check out this great challenge here: https://steemit.com/steemitschool/@d-pend/announcing-the-steemit-school-poetry-100-day-challenge
Join the steemit school on discord https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n

Beautiful and powerful words. I think this encapsulates how I am feeling at the moment. So many people want to put you down and say you 'cannot do it', but in reality they are just projecting their own fears onto someone else. I wish we were a world of 'supporters' rather than 'judges'. Imagine what we could achieve!
Thank you, I hear you, a world of supporters would be so empowering for us all, but you know it is happening, small pockets of people are coming together and me and you are part of it being on here on steemit, I really appreciate the support you have given me @beautifulbullies xx
I need to find one of those pockets around here where I live lol I think I live in a different state of mind to everyone around me! You are right of course, steemit is definitely a positive place, where I have been able to find my 'tribe' :) I am so glad to have met you on here! Thank you too for your support :) xx
I love this, thank you so much!
thank you Rachel I really glad you like it x
Freedom hmmm your poem goes deep we all need to be free one way or another
thank you @ehisoria
Lovely sentiment, and I adore the art you included!
thank you @tessaragabrielle, I really appreciate your feedback x
Freedom is something we fight together for.
I am with you, @trucklife-family
thank you @ayahkasih that means alot.
I love the images they just wrap around the poem and connect so beautifully. This poem is warm and it touched my heart. Great job @trucklife-family. TribeLove
thanks so much @rensoul17 your feedback really means a lot to me.
The wisdom shines indeed. 😎