Natural -100 Days of Poetry Challenge: Day Eight

Where to begin
If I follow what I have been told
Then there is no such thing.
Yet My body brought forth life
When I birthed my 3 girls,
I danced
And I screamed
I was empowered and over joyed.
From inside my body
We worked as a team,
My powerful body
Knew how to be.
I had to let go
And allow myself
To be within this flow.
Because My Body Knows,
Yes It knows,
It knows how to birth
It is one of the most natural thing's
I will do on this earth.

I wrote this poem after I had written a post about instagrams decision to ban photos of mothers giving birth, birth freedom is a passion of mine and it is something I write alot about. I am also a doula and advocate for birth choice .
I consider myself to be intermediate level.

1st Image:
2nd Image:

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wow, beautiful poetry,
the exalting of an extraordinary woman, to the successor of civilization, the mothers are able to give birth well, despite the life of the stakes. thank you @trucklife-family I also wrote a poem today, if you are welcome to visit my blog
thank you @zulacut, will check out your poem.
Superbe poeme. Make me thinks of this short experimental film from Stan Brakage.
Window Water Baby Moving, Stan Brakhage, 1959
Thank you @michaelstellaire for your feedback and for sharing this amazing video with me, I have never seen it before.
I feel the power of mother nature through your diction.
Great job, @trucklife-family 👍
Thank you @ayahkasih for dropping by and for your feedback.
Banning photos of things so natural. Thanks for your voice. This one gets to the core.
Thanks @nicholas83 it is something I am very passion about.
Wow, I hadn't heard that about Instagram! My blood is boiling! Shall we flood Steemit with photos of women giving birth? Its so important to unstigmatise it.
yes lets flood steemit with photos, love it, thanks @shivvi x
Love the way you describe birth. It is a surrender. I had 5 kids so I understand where you are coming from. Good job.
thank you @firststeps, I really appreciate your feedback from one mother to another x
Love it, and oh so true. The body knows, innately. Beautiful poetry.
thank you @naquoya,I really appreciate your feedback.
powerful powerful - preach!
pretty ungrateful of people to decide they are offended by that which brought them crying and blind into the world - equally as horrible as the goons campaigning against mothers being able to breast feed in public.
ugh, hopefully we grow and learn and barbaric shows of fragile masculinity like banning images of mothers will be a footnote of a footnote when tomorrow comes.
Thank you for sharing, @trucklife-family.
thank you @carmalain, I will keep on talking of this in time to come, it is so very important for us to try birth as a natural sacred thing xx
Ride on @trucklife_family. Women are the salt of the world.
thank you @hergist