Just as she deceived the woman at the garden of Eden, "Eat the fruit of knowledge, do not mind Him, the fruit will make you know good and evil", same way she deceives our children of today, employing similar words and same tactics, "don't mind these fools, spend more time with your phones and internet, they will make you wiser and updated. "

The serpent came in the past, with her deceitful promises filled with venoms in disguise; she comes now with same sinister promises that destroy more than it save.
Marriages are been divorced everyday, pornography pictures and videos trend the corridors of internet and social media, the sizes of boobs and dicks have become the latest geometrical formula and sex and different sex styles now top the List of individual achievements.
The truth of the matter is that, destiny can be made or raped at the foundational period of a child's life; from the ages of 11 to 18. So the worst thing we can let happen to our kids, is to leave them with internet phones and other social media gadgets unguarded.
The situation has decayed as it is but we must save the last child, from moral decadence and exposure to illicit materials that has recently filled the internet airwaves. Then and only then can the sense of morality of our future generation be preserved.

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I don't know what to say....thank for share great post @romeo-chimezie ✯◡✯
Thank you @kissyou for standing for restoration of lost morals. I understand and appreciate your unspoken words. Thank you
Thanks for your comment. Glad you like it