STEEMITREVIEW #6 - Top 10 in science (08/10 - 15/10)steemCreated with Sketch.

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Category: science


How to Hack Your Memory! (With Mnemonics)

Place - 1
Votes - 441
Author - @sirwinchester

Body Language: What You Say Without Speaking

Place - 2
Votes - 390
Author - @sirwinchester



The Science of Sleep - Why we sleep, what happens and why it's important!

Place - 3
Votes - 359
Author - @sirwinchester

3 Human Senses Nobody Talks About!

Place - 4
Votes - 352
Author - @sirwinchester



Myth or Fact? #8 - Oxygen runs out in overfilled rooms

Place - 5
Votes - 280
Author - @timsaid

Data compression - algorithms that help you save disk space

Place - 6
Votes - 263
Author - @krishtopa


Tracking down pseudoscience rooting out resear

Tracking Down Pseudoscience - Rooting out Personal Bias

Place - 7
Votes - 252
Author - @cristi

Myth or Fact? #5 – Does drinking distilled water kill you?

Place - 8
Votes - 248
Author - @timsaid


Dimethoxyphenethylamine 867172 960 720

We are all selfish - The Science behind those orgasmic Upvotes

Place - 9
Votes - 230
Author - @renzoarg

The Story of Pykrete: That Time the Navy Built a Ship Out of Ice and Sawdust

Place - 10
Votes - 226
Author - @alexbeyman


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