The Most Beautiful Flower in the American Ozarks ~ Photo Entry 3

Yep! It's that time of year again and these beauties are coming out! Each year in late spring and early summer you can find these flowers all over the Ozarks and in much of the world!

Introducing PASSION FRUIT!

It's not just for tropical areas of the world. They grow in the American midwest as well. The plant is a vine that grows and latches on to anything it can find to climb on and grow higher. The beautiful flower gives way to amazing tasting fruit! How does it taste? The drink "Hawaiian Punch" claims passion fruit juice as a main ingredient so that may be your best bet without getting the real thing.


The plant however is quite invasive so you don't want to put this in your garden. It WILL take over. Ask me how I know. :) If you do want to grow this plant, it's better to transplant a main root rather than plant by seeds. The seeds sometimes take over a year to germinate and there is no guarantee that it will work.

Hope you enjoyed the photo!



LOL.... Zac, did you plant passion fruit in your garden?? haha... making mistakes is how we learn. It is said Edison had more than a thousand mistakes before he invented the light bulb. beautiful picture of the flowers though...they are rather pretty as fruiting flowers go...

Yeah...great idea ...NOT! Live and learn indeed.

I'm happy to see this thread generating some upvotes. Steem on!

Even if one only got flowers and no fruit, the flowers have medicinal properties, great for inducing calm and helping one to sleep. I have tried to grow them here, even in the greenhouse. They did ok but then died back in the winter and did not come back. I may try again next year as I would love to try a passion fruit and never have. I have purchased the dried flowers from Mountain Rose Herbs and used them in my deep sleep tincture and in our evening teas

this is really a beautiful flower
the nature is amazing
save the nature

I love tropical fruit.
The best chance I have of successful Tropical fruit 🌴 Here is the PawPaw
Native to America it does well all the way up to Ohio

Too bad we can't grow them here, even this hearty plant would likely have a difficult time in Michigan.

I love the Passion Flower. I've got some growing in my garden right now!
Also Pa Mac said to tell you hi!

The passion fruit flower is really bizarre looking, like something out of a sci-fi movie, or Dr. Seuss book.

Wow, awesome pic!
How many people walk by something like that every day without seeing it?