Hairventure: a History
So to make this brief please read Girl with the Blue Braided Hair.
Ever since I started coloring my "happy" hair, I wanted more. In 2015, I gradually bleached my hair from tips to the roots within a year and a half.

It took a while for me to get everything bleach as my mom did say that she will shave it all off if I did. This is why I did it gradually. I really wanted blue hair but since the lightness did not get to 9 or 10 it became green. The blue you see is my happy hair that has been bleach several times by then.

So at this point, my hair was safe from being shaved off so I took it to the next level. I bleached it half way. I still had some left over dye so I just finished that tub and the result was awesome! There was not enough to cover everything but it turned out good. I had moss hair around December of 2015.

Fast forward to April 2016, I went all out and bleached all of my hair. It stayed ash blonde for a while before going blue and purple, then purple and blue. I used Arctic fox for the first time. It smelled like grapes and I love it. Read more about Arctic fox dye here: Part 1 and Part 2

No, my hair is not super damage from breaching as I don't really do it often. After the colors above, it took another 5 months before I re-bleached and colored my hair. During the break, I made sure I was conditioning my hair and using coconut oil on it. After that, it took another year before I re-bleached.

We are almost done! 2018 I did one hair color then cut it and welcomed 2019 in red and orange! What's next for me? I'm not sure at this point. I still kind of want to create a photo with my hair in rainbow colors. So maybe next time I will just stick to one color. Maybe...

Need hair dye? Check out Funky Streak and Rainbow Head!