
When in doubt "nominating myself" lol, and yes indeed the @joythewanderer name is a perfect user for you, anybody who as met you and seen your content will know this is for sure, I really like what you say about how if you would go on a holiday you wouldn't be able to just stay at the beach, you have a need to explore and learn about the culture I feel the same way but too many do just that.

Thank you for the nomination @joythewanderer and my #steemitnamechallenge article is also ready now. 👍

你这中英文名的意思都还算搭配的。我也很好奇你点名的那些用户都是怎么给自己起名字的,除了 @tvb,哈哈😄


因为有个太有名的歌手和我同名(coco lee), 我只好在我的名字后面加数字 才能注册T.T 说多了都是泪。。。

原来你跟李玟同名啊 厉害了

Great post and great job! Very nice post, thanks!😊😊😊

Looks like a nice challenge. Will join it too :)
Wow your real name is a bit complicated, but I am sure that the way you speak it is more easier than what you wrote. So it looks complicated, but not when you call it :)

Nice. And yeah yours was quite easy to guess, Joy. Except the 'My Name is Earl' part, that was new. :)

I did mine the other day:

这名字很适合你啊,真是阳光美女! 我后悔没有放一个有趣的名字了 哈哈

那快解释 jiafui 到底是哪一个方言直译过来的?原名呢?

噢噢, 你提醒了我,好, 我要写篇文章来说一下我名字的由来


hahaha, 老大,我这是在逼你勤劳点 :P

原来如此,那个华语名字非常适合你,因为你就是一名爱笑的美女 :)


嗯嗯,一定会,请拭目以待 :)

我是 [大(笑)]