Malabar Spinach: Saving Seeds, and Are the Berries Edible?!
We just love our malabar spinach!
Come along with us while we harvest the berries and save seeds!

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Have a blessed day! ♥

This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Wow, thanks so much! ♥
hi dear @squishysquid, your video is very nice! I didn't know this kind of spinach plant, so I went to do a little research on the internet: thanks for teaching me something new today !!
you're lucky to have a vegetable garden and be able to grow your favorite vegetables !! keeo on and congratulations on your curie rating
Thanks so much! It is my new favorite green, haha!
Hello Hello!
So cute ... My eyes rejoiced and there was that air of tranquility haha
Greetings from Venezuela
Hello to you too! Thanks for stopping by and the kind comment! ♥
Spinach are so nutritious! How cute is this video. Thank you for sharing the experience of reaping. Regards @squishysquid
Haha thanks! We love our malabar spinach vines, and we wanted to make sure we had seeds for next year!
Welcome back! We have done a few seed saving programs over the years at the library, but I don't recall covering spinach.
Thanks! We have been so darn busy, and the kids each have their own extra activities going on... Feel like Im losing my marbles some days...
Malabar spinach is really cool, its not regular spinach, it just sort of tastes like it. Its grows as a really pretty vine and it is super hardy. Id recommend trying it! :D