Under 180 - Lesson 1 tutorial : Steemit Manners
There are so many great guides and tutorials for Steemit.
But do we take the time to read and apply? Very few do.
Information is power! How can veteran Steemians get info to our new Steemians in the most efficient way?
Video. Not just any video - but a video that is under 180 seconds!
Challenge accepted!
It's our goal at @welcomewagon to help you do a 180 degree turn TOWARDS knowledge in Under 180!
Ready to try? Let's do it!
Thank you to @ethandsmith and @sndbox for being the inspiration for these Under 180 videos in the most conversational and easy-to-understand manner!
For those of you who don't mind a little reading - I HIGHLY suggest that you read through their fabulous guides!
Beginner's Guide to Steemit - A project by @ethandsmith
We are brand new and have already felt amazing support from the Steemit community - we are so honored!
Thank you to @enginewitty - the BatMan behind @thealliance for the huge surprise of a very large delegation. I was shocked to upvote a comment and see that the weight of that upvote had changed significantly!!! Thank you!
Thank you to @calumam - the Manta Ray behind @buddyup for the unending support that you have shown - from late night conversations to brainstorming sessions and much more. How do you do it? I don't know - but I'm so incredibly grateful!
Thank you to @shadowspub - the Godmother behind @steemitramble - You are a treasure. You hear it all the time but I wonder if you really know how much you mean to Steemians? Thank you!!
Onward and upward, Steemians! We are looking forward to building a stronger platform with you!
~@dreemsteem, for the Welcome Wagon
That was so great! Nice and to the point! I like the timing :)
Thanks so much! Hoping to get another one out here today!!! :) (fingers crossed)
It only takes 180 seconds to watch but unfortunately it doesn't take 180 seconds to create! hahahahaha
Absolutely, utterly awesome video content... :D
Thank you!!!! Worked hard on it - and will try to get one new video out at least once a week. Slowly but surely - we will be attempting to bring help to new steemians :)
Great idea. A little difficult for me to make a 3 minute video but let's see how it turns out. OMG!! I saw your video. Your voice is like your writing.. impacting and full. That's a lot of rules to remember. I wish it could be just one rule like: "Don't do anything stupid!" But that is too difficult to follow even for me.
Thanks @mineopoly!!! Wouldnt that have been funny to just make a ten second video saying "be smart and everything will be fine! The end!!!"
And the rules... Well, it is a lot to remember! But the more newbies interact on Steemit... It does become second nature! Little by little, it sticks!
And then... You're Steeming!!!! 😊
This was amazing @dreemsteem. I'm very impressed with the creativity, the text choices and the pace. Perfect.
Thank you!!!! As we grow, hopefully we will have better videos!
But it will always be fun to look back to where we started :)
Thank you for the encouragement!!! Makes me excited to keep on goin'!!! 😊
Keep going....this is one of your talents remember. Use it for the purpose :)
I hear you :) I will! :)
You are doing awesome @dreemsteem
good initiative. Keep it on......
Thank you for the support @masterwriter!!!! We will keep pressing on!
Brilliant job with the video @dreemsteem!
The Welcome Wagon is moving along the road quite nicely and we can already see how beneficial it's going to be to the newcomers, the helpers and the platform overall. The little info-packed 180 videos are going to make all the difference for sure!
Keep up the grind! I don't know anybody else who would be better suited to manage this. Just make sure you stay at 70, we all need ya!
70 is the key!!! right???? whew. i feel like i might be at 85... LOLOL learning to manage it, cal! :)
SPREAD THE LOVE, SPREAD THE KNOWLEDGE! I love this initiative! Plus, very good people are mentioned here, so I bet you will have success in a way you want it!
Much love!
Yes!!!! Your excitement is getting me pumped whackie! :) and I can't wait to see what marvelous glow you come up with for me..... hehehehe
Haha, I almost forgot about glow :P ;)
LOLOLOL i'm glad i' reminded you!!! ;)
Great power point presentation and plesant charming voice to compliment it!
hahaha thank you for the compliment! @tamala said I am now dubbed the "Voice Over Queen" hehehehe
not sure about that - but I did try to make it interesting! :)
Hmmm... Steemit only has one manner?

now it has 2 :) hehehehhe thank you for the catch - I actually saw it in the car... but had no reception to change it until just a few moments ago! hahahahahaha
Either you or someone who valued your post shared this post on Pimp Your Post Thursday in the Steemit Ramble discord. Looking forward to you visiting us again.
Yes I did! Glad to get the chance to pimp my post on @shadowspub 's show!!! :)