Recognize The Type Of Heart Disease, Coronary Artery And How To Overcome It

in #steemithealth7 years ago (edited)


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Coronary artery disease, also known as heart disease, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, or ischemic heart disease is a disease that occurs when there is a partial blockage of blood flow to the heart. This problem can have an impact on the buildup of plaque in the arteries. called arteriosclerosis and is a hardening of the blood vessels. This can lead to blood clots that can cause heart attacks or strokes. Hardening of the arteries and major arterial blockages is one of the leading causes of death. Even in heart disease itself kills more people every year. [1]

The disease begins to develop when the patient is young and develops very slowly. Early symptoms such as sudden heart attacks, may not appear until coronary heart disease has reached an advanced stage. Although the disease is incurable, the advancement of science and technology makes treatment and management more efficient so patients can enjoy longer lives. [2]

What are the causes of coronary artery disease?

Some of the following may cause a person to have atherosclerosis, inter alia, as follows :

  • Smoke
    Smoking cigarettes is a risk that plays a major role in increasing the risk of coronary heart disease. The content of nicotine and carbon monoxide cigarette smoke makes the heart work faster than usual. Both substances can also increase the risk of blood clots in the arteries. Unfortunately, other chemicals in cigarettes can also damage any layer of coronary arteries, thereby increasing the risk of coronary heart disease. Smokers are predicted to have a risk of frequent coronary heart disease 24% greater than those who do not smoke.

  • Cholesterol
    Cholesterol that flows too much in the blood can also cause coronary heart disease. The type of cholesterol that makes the risk of coronary heart is low-density lipoprotein (LDL) commonly referred to as 'bad' cholesterol. Because of this cholesterol that has a tendency to stick and hoard in the coronary arteries. [3]

  • High blood pressure
    Chronic hypertension, is systolic blood pressure (140 mm Hg or more) or diastolic pressure (90 mmHg or more) can also cause coronary heart disease.

  • Diabetes
    High blood sugar levels in diabetes can increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Diabetes can also make the inner lining of blood vessels become thicker, thus limiting blood flow to the heart. and increasingly at risk for this disease.

  • Thrombosis.
    Blood clots formed in the coronary arteries (thrombosis) can cause narrowed blood vessels and prevent blood flow to the heart muscle. This usually occurs in the same place where atherosclerosis is, which can ultimately lead to a risk of heart attack. [4]

What are the characteristics of coronary artery symptoms?

If plaque does not interfere with your blood flow, or there is no plaque rupture, then there may not be any symptoms. However, if the plaque is getting bigger, then the symptoms will be generated are as follows :

  • Chest pain or discomfort in your chest, this pain can spread to the neck, jaw, shoulders, and left side, back, left side of the belly (often considered maag) you. This pain can be mild to severe. This chest pain is called "angina". Angina can last for a few minutes only. If the plaque has not completely clogged the coronary artery, then the angina itself will subside. If the angina persist, then immediately check yourself to the doctor. Cold sweat, vomiting, nausea, or fatigue An unstable heartbeat rhythm (arrhythmia) can even cause sudden cardiac arrest which, if not treated quickly, can cause death. [5]

How to prevent coronary arteries

  • Avoiding stress
    For those who suffer from heart disease, any kind of heart disease prevention in order to avoid heart attacks that can occur at any time is to avoid stress. Stress can make a person's heart attack suddenly. This will be dangerous for the sufferer because it can happen anywhere and anytime.

  • Eat regularly
    For those of you who have coronary heart disease, prevention efforts to avoid heart attack is by keeping the pattern and food intake sufferers. A diet that should be recommended is to eat nutritious foods that do not contain much fat. That is with frequent eating vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are good for those of you who suffer from heart disease. [6]

  • Avoid smoking
    If you do not want to have a high risk of coronary heart disease, then we recommend you to avoid bad habits such as smoking. Because as you already know, if smoking can increase the risk of suffering from coronary artery disease.

  • Avoid drinks containing alcohol
    In addition to avoiding cigarettes, how to prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease that you can do is to avoid drinks containing alcohol. In alcohol there are contents that can trigger the occurrence of damage to your heart, therefore it is not surprising that someone who often consume alcohol will have a high risk of suffering from coronary artery disease.

  • Regular exercise
    Regular exercise is also one way to prevent confronting heart that you can try to do to avoid the high risk of suffering from this coronary artery disease. Exercise has many tremendous benefits for the health of the body, which is why the sport is highly recommended by every medical expert to do every day. [7]

That's some of the jantug cone-related illness. before this disease attacks you or your family should know the symptoms and how to prevent coronary artery disease as a form of anticipation. Because healing this type of disease takes a very very long time and does not require a little time.

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