#1 Scholarship Hunter's Survival: How to Write Mind Blowing Motivation Letter or Statement of Purpose for University Enrollment to Make Committee Pick You!

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)


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Nowadays, Pursuing education is essential for all mankind all over the world, we deserve education for better life and future. Of course, university tuition is not cheap at all, did not include books, research, accommodation and money during your study, when you started to calculate, you will blown up with the numbers and directly close your book and try to forget! but how could we give up? Luckily, scholarship announcements are everywhere and universities which offer free tuition or loans even easier to find.

As citizen of third world countries who comes from medium-low family economic conditions, some people prefer to find sponsor like scholarship to fund their study. Eventually, it is not easy to get scholarship. Scholarship committee require high quality of people who able to finish their study on time and will utilize their knowledge for the sake of their country right after their finish their study. In order to reach these kind of people, scholarship committee give several requirement such as GPA, English Proficiency, GRE/GMAT, Preference from Professor, motivation letter and others.

One of the things that we will focus on this article is how to make a fascinating motivation letter to make scholarship committee pick you as a grantee of that scholarship or university enrollment. On this article we will talk tips to write good motivation letter, even the mind blowing one and in the end, there will be a sample of my previous motivation letter. okay! let's become scholarship hunter!!


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Tips and Tricks to Write Fascinating Motivation Letter

  1. Write clear purpose of your study! Why do you want to study in that University and that course? Elaborate it clearly and to the point with proper language. Don't make it too long and being exaggerate with how that amazing university will change your life and etc, you just can say the point!

  2. Simply and Understandable! Sometimes, being simple is so much harder than you think! Keep trying

  3. Be different, show it you are different from other candidates. Please explain why you deserve this scholarship without being snob. You can elaborate your competency, your achievement, your previous research, your organizational activity outside campus to show that you are right person.

  4. Make sure they assure that you will finish your study on time! This is so important, because scholarship committee spend so much money for you and you have to fulfill their expectancy, you can provide paper proof like when you finish previous university on the right time and good marks.

  5. Write more about what will you do outside of university life. This is something that most people missed! probably sounds unimportant but it could be affect on your self assessment, to show that you are social person that not only live for study and socialize, write more about your activity or social activity that you will do in that country so the committee will find out that you are there not only for study.

  6. Save your draft and re-read it again, revise! revise! Re-assure your giving your best on writing and go checking your grammar and spelling will be the best recommendation to do


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Here the sample of my previous motivation letter, Hope will be useful for you guys!! :) I wrote this one last year for application in University of Amsterdam for Education master degree.

Dear Director Research Institute of Child Development and Education,

I have strong desire to pursue research master degree in Graduate School of child Development and Education at Faculty of social and behavioural sciences, University ofAmsterdam through Amsterdam Excellence Scholarship (AES). As the top 100 University in World University Rankings, UvA rank particularly highly for arts and humanities and social science. Child Development and Education is a unique research master program which leads me in wider career opportunity such as educator, policymaker, trainer, consultant and etc. I believe this is one of the best choices I ever made because UvA most welcome to International students.

In November 2016 I have joined “Diplomatic Tour” as Lession officer. This program was held by Ministry of woman empowerment and child protection Republic of Indonesia which invited all countries ambassador in Indonesia to visit my region, Banda Aceh. This program aim to represent the condition of woman and child living in Aceh. Diplomatic tour receive great response and participation from all over the world because Indonesia especially Aceh
was rated as high susceptibility to natural disaster.

I believe Indonesia still developing on law protection of child but somehow it progress gradually. In example In April 2016 a brutal criminal crime, the gang rape of a 14-years-old girl in Bengkulu Sumatra, led to outraged indonesians calling for more severe punishments for sex offenses victimizing children. I wish this tragic issue would never happen again. The very thing as human youth resources like us is to improve research and accurate data on child protection issues and also provides guidance to increase public awareness and up-to-date issue such as violence in school, discrimination, gender gap are being increased and children often become victim. Moreover further education is needed to fullfil the need of human resource who understand global-era and able to connect Indonesia with international world.

During my undergraduate years, I served in many student organizations at department, faculty and university levels. The social organization experience teach me to be critical about issues that are happened outside the community, solving problems, care about others and a vision to serve people. While studying in International class, I had undergone a training program that has been trained me to be an effective and efficient teacher.
I did an exchange program under Erasmus Mundus Experts4Asia in University of Zagreb, Croatia. This experience taught me precious things, how to deal with adaptation of studying and living in Amsterdam, also how to create connections among friends and colleagues. In addition Amsterdam is one of cities that dazzling me the most. The remarkable one! I promise to visit again and again.

My future career is: giving best contribution of social agency for woman and child, actively doing research on child protection isuues especially educational science, writing books, and forming a non goverment agency like UNICEF that help novice on technical support to key Indonesian government and agencies work to prior on child protection issues to strengthen capacities and policies.

Best Regards,
Tifany Chairunisa

