Dental health: Take care of your teeth little ones.
Dental Health
Take care of your teeth little ones.
Brushing teeth each morning and evening is one of the biggest "discussions" we have with our children. Oh boy do they hate brushing their teeth. So we had to come up with a plan and yet again we headed to science experiments, since they absolutely love them.
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Dental Health Experiment with eggs
You will need the following:
- 5 cups or jars
- 4 containers or plates with lips
- 1 cup soda
- 1 cup vinegar
- 1 cup juice
- 1 cup water
- 1-4 toothbrushes
- Baking soda or toothpaste
- 4 hard boiled eggs and/or 4 ceramic tiles (Rather use the ceramic tiles for the smaller kids)
- Paper towel
- 4 egg holders, optional
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- Place your ceramic tile in the bowl.
- Pour the different fluids on separate tiles. Rather mark the tiles and match them with the liquids that has been poured on them. Make sure that the tiles are completely covered.
- It would be a good idea to make a separate note to indicate which liquid is in which container. Teach your kids early on what it is to name and label an object.
- Leave the tiles to soak in the liquid over night.
- Pack out the toothbrushes, water and baking soda.
- Take out each ceramic tile and place them in separate plates.
- Ask the children what they observe. What did each liquid do to the tile?
- Now start using the baking soda to see if they could clean it up.
- The soda changed the color of the tile,the lemon juice left a gritty coating behind, the vinegar made the coating of the tile soft.
Let the children tell you what they think would happen to their teeth if this is what happened to the tile/egg?
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My kids loved this experiment and it truly encouraged them to brush their teeth way more than they currently do.

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That is such a cool experience to do with the children to encourage dental care thanks for sharing:)