The Concept of "Pleasing Others"vs "Calming Yourself"

Dear all steemians ....
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Interesting knowledge of the day worth noting is not a terrible event that every second occur in reality, but the broad meaning of the word that becomes the play of reality until there are various real events ....

There are some words that make me unnerved by inner meaning (metaphysical) when it is logically explained, straightforward, precise and clear on various occasions by scientists, orators, preachers, teachers at our school or spiritual teacher, etc. The words are step by step I will present glow on this blog steemit.

We start with the word "fun", as long as the word of 'happy'. This word has led many people to the peak of success according to the purpose of life, for example want to be useful for the nusa and the nation, wanting to rich, luxurious and glamorous life, famous people, achievers,

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Traditionally, socially and culturally, it is the dream and purpose of life for many people to realize the reality of the word "fun". The label of recognition, precious, happy, proud, great and flattered is a support item to form a pleasant context.

Therefore, in order to obtain a good and great label in reality .... surely there is something that can be given to the audience; spontaneous and unexpected sacrifices - such as treating communities, groups, free donations for the common good are suddenly capable of people to motivate themselves to reach social "fun" dreams.

In turn, person, community, social culture will label the 'good' to the seeker of social pleasure. Such circumstances continue to evolve according to the willingness of time and opportunity for pleasant purposes.

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Eve fun will slowly move with time, and it can be felt 'success' by someone as always talked about praised, exalted or preached mass media for generosity is done, it is up to what aspect!

The context of 'fun' audiences like the story above is the appearance of our social self-behavior (socio-cultural demands), will be more meaningful and meaningful to and for the "fun" of others (social).

There is nothing wrong with the implementation of our social self-behavior in this reality. Even recommended and religious teachings to always spread and do good and provide benefits to the social environment.

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Thus the study of mu'amalah fiqh science, said an ustadz when giving tausiyah on one occasion. But so .... continued ustadz again, the presence of knowledge of Sufism and morals more elegant again because it wants to strengthen, elaborate, clarify as well as give deep meaning for every deed done by humans.

When a person gets a good or good label, good, generous or high social concern to please others and his reality, in the study of Sufism and morals has not been able to give pleasure to his personal, family and friends.

Why is that, he answered only one word, that is sincere. Is the act we have been doing there is sincere intentions without the expectation of a label; acknowledgment, goodness, generosity, or glorification of the social as well as at the end of the episode of our social self-esteem does require revenge from the social one at a time.

That is the main question that is difficult to answer individuals who are able to "please" others (social), including social culture has not been able to provide definitive answers.


Any play or deed done without good intentions and sincerity of a deep heart will not be able to "please" the personal, family and close relatives, so the message of knowledge of Sufism and morals in the case of securing rewards (meaning good deeds and noble) has been done, said an ustadz Misran in his tausiyah.

Every effort and action based on good intentions because Allah SWT and sincerely give it does not expect a good, generous, noble and great stamp of others and the environment will give pleasure to self, family, relatives and also the wider social environment such as nation and state.
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That is the study of Sufism and morals for the glory of human beings who do good and secure the value / reward earned from every deed done not be in vain.

Is the intention and sincerity become the main benchmark according to the study of sufism and morals science so that the deeds (deeds) are done not just show off, forming opinions, imaging or merely looking for good support / label from social with the realization of social action.

The people who are able to please themselves, their families and relatives (with the sincere intention of worship and always wish Allah SWT) are certainly able to do good, generous and high sense of social awareness on their social environment.

On the contrary, people who are capable of putting on other people outside their relatives and family are not guaranteed to be able to please themselves, their families and relatives because it is unclear of their intention and sincerity in doing charity or intentionally done to known reality in seeking social support or self-image as a good man ..... Wallahu'alam

Hopefully useful......