Sexual Abuse: Protect Your Child From Being A Victim!
The issue of sexual harassment is a serious problem which occurs all too often these days. It happens in the work place, in stores, at homes, and more horrifyingly, in our schools. Abuse in schools is being performed by teachers as well as students themselves, making this an important issue that needs to be tackled very quickly by educational departments around the world.
To add to this dilemma, it seems lately that social media is causing more problems where cases of sexual harassment have been reported, especially where children are involved. The details of the victims are being released, for instance their names, photos, where they live and what school they go to, and so forth. So now, not only does the child have to suffer from the abuse, but he or she is also put in the spotlight. This has detrimental effects on the well-being and mental health of the victim.
It is with this in mind that we not only need to teach our children about sexual awareness, but we also need to raise them to feel secure enough to reach out for help when they are victimized in this manner. Some might say that children are too young to be educated about sex, and that it opens doors to sexual behaviour. This might be the case, or, it could do the exact opposite!
Educating our children about sex can teach them to 1.) practices safe sex 2.) remind them that sex before marriage can cause diseases and unwanted pregnancies and 3.) it can prepare them for circumstances where they find themselves being sexually abused. The more educated they are on the topic, the larger the chance that they will realise when they are victims of harassment and hopefully they will report it sooner, rather than later.
With knowledge comes power and children who have the power to report their abusers or potential abusers are the solution to eradicating this ghastly behaviour. Adults will also be reminded that this behaviour is not condoned and that they will be prosecuted if they attempt to harm children, or anyone for that matter, in any way.
A reminder to parents and teachers: Please remember to educate your children about sex, tell them that their private parts are only for them, and if someone touches them or says something about them, they must confide in you or someone they trust immediately. We can protect our children!

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I think there should be a punishment worthy of the death penalty