Parents Want Our Elementary School Torn Down
In the area where I live there are several different elementary schools. Right now local leaders in education are trying to determine the best course of action to deal with one of the elementary schools that needs renovating. This week a meeting was held with educators and parents to hear different opinions about how to handle an aging school with numerous problems because of it's age.

The school was built in the 1950s
Back in the 1950s lead was used in paint and other building products. The school board hired a firm to test the school for lead and found traces of it throughout the school. Tests also discovered mold growing in ceilings, near ventilation areas, and in the basement. The roof has areas that leak and the classrooms need updating.

These 1950s school children are excited to go to their brand new school with a fresh coat of lead based paint on the walls!
Parents and educators are torn on what to do with the elementary school. Educators proposed a renovation plan to deal with the problems but the cost to renovate would be high. Parents want the school torn down and rebuilt. The cost to demolish and rebuild the school would also be high but is thought to be a better long term plan.
Parents have been filing complaints about the school for many years. Children with breathing problems and allergies are bothered by the mold. Parents have complained the school has mildew smells coming from the ventilation system. There are fears about exposure to lead paint. Renovating the school might not get rid of these problems. Mold is not easy to remove and past efforts have failed to solve the problem.
A Pretty Cool Looking School
The elementary school that they want to tear down is a completely circular building. It looks like a flying saucer. The sides of the circle are covered in green tinted windows which I always enjoyed the effect of. The interesting thing is that there was a vote about the look of the building this week and 80% of parents hated how the building looks like a flying saucer. Parents said it was hideous and the design was horrible...(I guess I have bad taste).
Wouldn't you want to go to school in something that looks like this?

It looks like a majority of people in this area want the elementary school demolished. That is understandable considering how many aging problems the building has and how much money the projects both cost. There will be a vote soon to determine what will happen to our UFO elementary school but I predict it will be torn down and a new school rebuilt.
It will be interesting to hear how tearing down the school and rebuilding it will be handled. The elementary school is attached to another large building which houses the junior high and high school. The elementary school students will not have classrooms during demolition and rebuilding so I wonder where the students will be placed until their new school is finished?
Always Sad To See A Familiar Site Go
It is always sad to see a place you've passed your entire life disappear. The UFO school is on the way to a few of my favorite department stores. I have passed by the elementary school my entire life on the way to the store and always enjoyed the round shape and green windows. There is no other building so unique in this area. I'll be sad to see it go but it will be nice to have a safe school with no mold/lead to cause health problems.
So sorry to hear that and it has been sad always . Especially good schools my friend.
It is sad but I guess it's for the best. The kids will have all new updated classrooms and no unhealthy mold.
Mold is horrible so when we take this point of you is understandable :-)
The only constant in life is change...
Sorry for the jarring effect, @marxrab... Would a hug help? :D

A hug from you would be like a sunshiney day. lol
Big Hugs, Dear! :D
Hang in there. ;)
Thanks for the sunshine!!! lol.
OK, @marxrab,
You just put another smile on my face with this nice song that I'm listening to... :) ;)
Living outside of the USA, I am amazed to read reports such as these, along with health care issues etc.
The bit that amazes me most is reading that your congress approves $900 BILLION type numbers for military "defense"....yet the people are OK sending their kids to schools with mold & lead paint.
Just an old guy trying to understand the USA peoples thinking.
I know right!!! The military gets so much money but education....not so much. So many schools could use government funding but instead more and more goes to the war machine.
It's always sad when an usual or creatively designed building has to be torn down. In a street near us, there was an octagonal shaped house. We were really sorry to see recently that it was gone.
It really is sad. People love conformity and want everything to look the same. It's always a shame to see the unique places wiped out and hated.