Such is the ignorance of this type of people, that it is not enough for them to hurt themselves, but that they are dedicated to hurting others with these actions of the bad citizens, you are very sencible to write about these matters, I agree with you, @marx, keep sharing.
Think of it this way. We are educated day in and day out about the effects of smoking cigarettes, yet people still continue to do it knowing that it will kill them. Isn't this an act of self harm and an act of personal hate for something they dislike about themselves?
I feel that it stands to reason that most smokers have some sort of thing from their past or something about their self that they dislike, so they choose to smoke and wither away..
A lot of the smokers I know also have no regard for other human beings and seem to hate pretty much most people they see on the streets until they get to know them to confirm their previous hate for those people. I think this stems from some sort of teaching our society engrains into school children that, "smoking is rebellious and people who smoke are bad." so they act the part rather than trying to be friendly and be good people. It is really sad to see 😷
Those who throw cigarette butts do not think about the dangers that occur. And throwing cigarette butts looks easy because small objects are not easily visible.
Just reading this type of article encourages my horror at seeing smokers. I always fight with those who throw their cigarette butts and tell them that I'm looking for a container or a bag to be deposited there and taken away.
I am always amazed by the amount of litter I see. The butts are especially bad because like you say, they seem to last for ages! When I see a pile of trash, usually fast food trash, just laying in a parking lot, it makes me wonder what goes through a persons head!
I wish more people would just choose to be responsible and clean up their own trash. My owners husband smokes cigarettes, he always throws the ember and puts it completely out, then puts the butt in his pocket to carry to the nearest garbage can. Why can't more people just do that?
Because not everyone has a wife who yells at them for being disrespectful and littering @zeldathecat. Lol I yelled at him for 2 years before he started doing that 😂
I do not know why the smokers have this bad habit, apparently it is normal for them to finish smoking and throwing their butt on the ground, I think it is a question of education, because as they throw away the butts they also throw any kind of trash or rubbish on the ground , sometimes people are not aware of the year that they cause, especially because those of us who smoke do not have to get hurt because of their vices! Very interesting your subject and it gives a lot to reflect in this sense! Regards!!
Have to agree with you rabbit! It grinds my bones! And my little rebel knows how much I detest it when he picks them up, so he purposefully does so just to tease me. But I freak out thinking about where that "butt" has been!
Maybe carry a ziploc baggie or an empty shopping bag when you go out and some hand sanitizer. It would be good for him, you and your commewnity. Make a game of it and see how many pieces of trash he can pick up and how many you can pick up and have some fun with it. That's what my owner did with her little sister on their walks in our town.
That reminds me of a poster that used to hang in one of my classrooms in high school (several decades ago, now) that had a bunch of animals' backsides photographed. It had something like "butts are ugly." and was an attempt to get people to take care of theirs.
Here in rural Minnesota, there don't seem to be many smokers. When I lived in Spain, though, it seemed like a huge percentage of people did and cigarette butts were a common site on city streets.
In Anoka Minnesota it is common to see them littered at bus stops and in garden beds in the main part of the city. I have been trying to battle the burden by picking up the trash and do something about it rather than just complaining about it, but it does get very tiring during these last stages of my pregnancy.
Such is the ignorance of this type of people, that it is not enough for them to hurt themselves, but that they are dedicated to hurting others with these actions of the bad citizens, you are very sencible to write about these matters, I agree with you, @marx, keep sharing.
Think of it this way. We are educated day in and day out about the effects of smoking cigarettes, yet people still continue to do it knowing that it will kill them. Isn't this an act of self harm and an act of personal hate for something they dislike about themselves?
I feel that it stands to reason that most smokers have some sort of thing from their past or something about their self that they dislike, so they choose to smoke and wither away..
A lot of the smokers I know also have no regard for other human beings and seem to hate pretty much most people they see on the streets until they get to know them to confirm their previous hate for those people. I think this stems from some sort of teaching our society engrains into school children that, "smoking is rebellious and people who smoke are bad." so they act the part rather than trying to be friendly and be good people. It is really sad to see 😷
Good share, always a problem when smokers don't respect others.......

Those who throw cigarette butts do not think about the dangers that occur. And throwing cigarette butts looks easy because small objects are not easily visible.
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Just reading this type of article encourages my horror at seeing smokers. I always fight with those who throw their cigarette butts and tell them that I'm looking for a container or a bag to be deposited there and taken away.
I am always amazed by the amount of litter I see. The butts are especially bad because like you say, they seem to last for ages! When I see a pile of trash, usually fast food trash, just laying in a parking lot, it makes me wonder what goes through a persons head!
I wish more people would just choose to be responsible and clean up their own trash. My owners husband smokes cigarettes, he always throws the ember and puts it completely out, then puts the butt in his pocket to carry to the nearest garbage can. Why can't more people just do that?
Because not everyone has a wife who yells at them for being disrespectful and littering @zeldathecat. Lol I yelled at him for 2 years before he started doing that 😂
I do not know why the smokers have this bad habit, apparently it is normal for them to finish smoking and throwing their butt on the ground, I think it is a question of education, because as they throw away the butts they also throw any kind of trash or rubbish on the ground , sometimes people are not aware of the year that they cause, especially because those of us who smoke do not have to get hurt because of their vices! Very interesting your subject and it gives a lot to reflect in this sense! Regards!!
People are so ignorant about nature and all other people. They don't care about the effect they cause on others!
Have to agree with you rabbit! It grinds my bones! And my little rebel knows how much I detest it when he picks them up, so he purposefully does so just to tease me. But I freak out thinking about where that "butt" has been!
Maybe carry a ziploc baggie or an empty shopping bag when you go out and some hand sanitizer. It would be good for him, you and your commewnity. Make a game of it and see how many pieces of trash he can pick up and how many you can pick up and have some fun with it. That's what my owner did with her little sister on their walks in our town.
That reminds me of a poster that used to hang in one of my classrooms in high school (several decades ago, now) that had a bunch of animals' backsides photographed. It had something like "butts are ugly." and was an attempt to get people to take care of theirs.
Here in rural Minnesota, there don't seem to be many smokers. When I lived in Spain, though, it seemed like a huge percentage of people did and cigarette butts were a common site on city streets.
In Anoka Minnesota it is common to see them littered at bus stops and in garden beds in the main part of the city. I have been trying to battle the burden by picking up the trash and do something about it rather than just complaining about it, but it does get very tiring during these last stages of my pregnancy.