Story Stones: A Magical Discovery!
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Albert Einstein
Call me a new-age teacher that believes in imagination over actual learning if you must. But as a mother, an aunt and a teacher, I have had my fair share in working with children and while learning ABC’s and 123’s is a requirement to make your mark in the world, building an imagination and learning from the creativity of our minds offers the ultimate life-skills. This is why I encourage my kid and my students to play and play until their hearts are content.
Recently I stumbled upon this super cool idea which has been around for yonks but I discovered it in error, while looking for story time ideas. This nifty idea just jumped right in front of me:

What are story stones?
Story Stones are essentially little props used to tell and create stories. Each stone or pebble has a picture painted or drawn on to it, like an animal, person, something for nature or everyday items etc. The main idea (I say main because you can do so many different things with the Story Stones) is to then either put them into a sequence and encourage a child to create a story according to this sequence, or you can let them put their own sequences and stories together.
The images on the stones can reflect a story that the kids already know, like Jack and the Bean Stalk, Little Red Riding Hood etc. or it can simply be a mixture of random pictures so that a brand-new story needs to be told.
How do you play with them?
Over and above the playing/story techniques I have already mentioned, there are endless possibilities for creative play & stories to be made with Story Stones. I’ll list a few other ways to play with them here:
- Create sentences by laying your stones out face down and then allow your kids to take turns to pick and flip a stone over. They then need to create a sentence incorporating the picture prompt drawn on the stone.
- Creating matching flashcards and allow the kids to match the images on the stones to the ones on the flashcard, or you could even match opposites. This is a great game for pre-schoolers.

- Create the stones according to a story book’s images, as you read this book with your child, ask them to find the stone that matches or illustrates each scene.
- Use the stones in a sensory play activity for toddlers. Hide them in a bucket of rice and as your tot discovers them you can discuss and emphasise each picture.
How do you make them?
Ah ha, I’ll disclose this part at a later stage when I make a few of my own to show off (which I will hopefully get to these up and coming school holidays). I think you get the gist of it however!
In what way are Story Stones Educational?
Playing with Story Stones allows the opportunity for imaginary play & language development. It also encourages the development problem solving skills. Depending on how you utilize the stones, the educational opportunities are endless really.

These nifty little hand-made play things make awesome birthday gifts for the kids and stocking fillers come Christmas. They are also ideal for road trips or for keeping the little fidgeting fingers quiet and busy in doctors waiting rooms etc. I seriously can’t wait to make my own for my students and my toddler too! So glad I found this magical idea!

That's a pretty cool idea for kids. Thank you for sharing it. :)
Oooooo I absoulutely LOVEEEEE these :) I make something similar that I call #reikirocks. Way cool to see this! I love your creativity & style. Resteemed <333
I love your idea!!