How to handle school flu?
Hello everyone!!!
Apparently the rainy season has already begun and with that come respiratory diseases and especially flu in schools.

Currently I have my two children in this process and the truth is very bad when they get sick at the same time and surely we will soon be dad and mom who are sick, hopefully not.
Meanwhile we investigated, where did the virus come from? and the safest thing is that when we take a walk around the school we will see several children strutting, coughing and with faces of zombies my daughter said hahaha. That's when we realize the irresponsibility of some parents sending their children to school because that will become a circle where almost the entire classroom will be infected. Sometimes we hear that they do not have anyone to leave them with at home because both parents work but we must also think about their partners who are not to blame for that and they will end up sick at the end of the week.
Due to the number of people who attend an educational center, it is common for respiratory diseases to spread, especially among younger children, whose immune system is more vulnerable; For this reason, teachers and parents should work together.

The decrease in temperature favors the diseases in the respiratory system, ranging from a simple cold to pneumonia or pneumonia if not treated properly.
It is important that if a child is ill, do not attend classes to avoid worsening their health status or infect their classmates. In this situation should see the doctor to rule out that it could be a delicate condition such as influenza, whose main symptoms are: fever greater than 38 ° C, sneezing, frequent and intense cough, nasal congestion, headache and lack of appetite.

Some recommendations to avoid diseases and infections.
When coughing or sneezing cover your nose and mouth with your forearm or a tissue that should be removed immediately.
Source is also suggested not to go to places with many people, since there are more chances of infection. Do not share food, glasses or cutlery. Do not wave by hand or kiss.
Hands should be washed with soap and water several times a day or use antibacterial gel or alcohol.
Source is necessary that, as far as possible, sudden temperature changes are avoided. When leaving home or from any closed place should be covered and cover children's nose and mouth.
The abundant consumption of liquids and foods rich in vitamins A, C and D, helps to have good health in cold weather. Vitamins A and C are found in fruits and vegetables such as carrots, orange melons, tangerines, strawberries, pineapples and guava, among others. Some foods with vitamin D are milk, cheese and fish.
In my case, I am leaving the children at home while they recover.