Steemhomework for the week / My favorite lessons
I'm not a classroom teacher in the end, but I considered myself a trainer since I teach or teach my 7-year-old son, from a very early age he started school from that moment I became his trainer at home, I always instill values like responsibility, respect, tolerance, equity, solidarity, collaboration and freedom.

The subject that I love as well as my son is the English area, although I am not an expert in this area I like it and I must motivate my son due to the degree of acceptance of the subject. English is the fundamental language to learn today because it opens the doors to a greater number of possibilities and expands the frontiers of studies and work.
When I have an English test, I usually test him for his practice.
A mechanism that I use to reinforce its pronunciation in a primer where I can show you how to perform the correct pronunciation.

Biblical learnings

In the school where my son studies, they teach them to pray, to give thanks for their family, food, health and for their achievements. Particularly every night before going to bed I talk with my son about God, we pray and we give thanks and we ask for the children who are in street situation, for all the sick people and for those people who do not have a plate of food at their table, the respect it has to have towards other people, solidarity and collaboration especially in these times of crisis that is going through our country Venezuela.
plastic arts
I love painting and teaching my son, although there are many times we make a disaster but it is something that does not amuse both of us and motivates us to do it better every day.
Without a doubt, he is a child who loves homemade costumes.

The lesson that I do not like to teach a lot but it is indispensable:
I think that at this point I have to stop and think, although I am not a classroom teacher and I do not have professional experience, I always try to find the solution and answers to these issues, the children are very witty and always have a question to ask you.
Talking to my son and other children about Sexual Orientation, is a subject that we must handle with accuracy and clarity because children always look for the way to want to know everything that happens through their thoughts, the children who touch (children have erections from very young, for example), who are curious about it ... hence the importance of talking to them about the subject, to be there and accompany them in their development from the beginning, it is necessary to know when it is convenient to start with education sexual activity of our children? How do we talk about it when they are little? Because a good sexual education is fundamental for the development of our children, from the beginning.


I like many activities that you do with your child. I share with you that I am not a classroom teacher but every day we have to teach many lessons to our children.
Felicidades por tu dedicación. Los padres no deben ignorar ningún ambito de la educación de sus hijos porque de eso dependerá muchísimo el carácter que forjen y los valores y moral con el que se hagan parte de la sociedad.