The Reading Culture: breaking the habits
I have been in teaching learning process for more than 12 years. I have met probably more than a thousand students from junior to university levels, with different perspective and spirit. One of my teaching subject is reading. I have been teaching this subject during the period of my teaching. It is always part of teaching strategy. It is no way to avoid reading. I believe reading plays very vital roles in knowledge development. In addition, reading also supports understanding improvement of students. I always define reading as the most important key of the learning process. It is really a way to “open the window” in educational context. Therefore, students should suffer from reading assignment in classroom.
At the university, it is extremely important to require students to read. Since my deployment as the lecturer. I found that this skill is challenging. Most students found difficult to build reading habit. It is really real phenomena in almost every classes I teach. It is super difficult to achieve higher reading achievement among students. Seem that reading is really a big burden to cope with. It is no how students would love to read. Most often, students would respond negatively the assignment of a reading.
Many facts show that students are reluctant to proceed to reading assignments. It is not difficult to find students escape the reading task. They may not read or even simply do not download the reading materials. This reality often practices by university students. I have no idea whether it is really deal with culture or rooted habit. But students found very difficult to improve reading habit or even skill. For instance, if a lecturer assigns a-10 page reading, it would sure students would negotiate to be less pages. It is very hard to set the deadline. It is quite students would break the deadline. This real sample often shows in my classes. I often suffered from hopeless or sad. However, it is such no way to force students to do so.
To deal with the facts, I have tried many strategies [efforts]. I understand that it is very hard to constantly break the habit but at least I do the best to counter the inner attitude of students. I have tried several strategies to reduce the habit through the following approaches:
Introducing the online media websites
At the first day of a class, I normally start with motivational talk and share tips and tricks of a successful student. This opportunity is considered good to encourage students. In addition, I specifically introduce reading resource links. At this moment, I will share some important and good websites of local and international media. I believe reading news would increase students knowledge and understanding. It is I believe the gate for students to know the world. Therefore, introducing media as the reading source is a must in each of my class. Also, students will be updated with important information and news in different contexts. This will allow students have wider perspective and understanding.
Assigning a fun weekly reading
For me, reading is not a instant process of learning. It needs an endurance process to gain knowledge. Therefore, one way is reading. For my students, regular reading assignment at the weekend is an obligation. Because I do believe it is the way for them to enlighten their view. It is impossible students would have bigger point of view if they do not read. It is no way to avoid read. So, having weekly reading such a compulsory task for students.
In Aceh, as long as I concern, it is still a serious dilemma for most students to love reading. It is a long way process to promote loving reading from elementary to university students. It is a sustainable program both government and community to keep promoting to love reading. It should be a movement to tell that reading is really important and it is true as the “key of the world”. I am truly assure that more we read, more we know.
(a lecturer and researcher)

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no where to cut Mr. @khairilrazali ka ithe le khafe pak. haha
Hahaha...malam2 beuna saboeh tulisan segohloem jak eh lah @kaseldoc. Awak droen bek ree lah.