DIY Tutorial: Make Your Own Realistic Ficus Cat Tree in 6 Steps

Hey Steemians,
You may not know this but I have a beautiful siamese cat that I rescued. He has been a real treat to have around. One day I was shopping online and saw a cat tree that had realistic branches and leaves. I thought what an amazing idea because cats love to climb trees. Then I saw the price tag of almost $500 for this thing and that immediately made me think, I can make this myself. All you need is:
- Ficus Tree
- carpet remnants
- Plywood Cut into Squares
- Wood Screws
- Dowel Rods
- Spray Paint
- Finishing nailer or Nail Gun

This is a project I've been wanting to do for such a long time. I saved this ficus tree for almost a year before we were able to get to the project. I'm going to show you how to turn your regular faux ficus tree into a realistic cat tree.
You can find faux ficus trees for sale in thrift shops as well. Mine was a gift from my mother years ago that I've just kept around and finally found a purpose for it.

Step 1: Take off all the leaves from the tree so that you can only see the trunk of the tree.

Step 2: Cut rectangle pieces of plywood to use as the platform and then cut holes in the middle so that the cat can climb through each layer of platform. Make them big enough so your cat can fit his/her whole body through the hole.

Step 3: Cut dowel rods at different lengths so that you can build up the stairs to the platforms. Attach plywood to the dowel rod with wood screws. Then attach the platform to the branches with wood screws for stability.

Step 4: Using a finishing nailer or nail gun place carpet on the platforms. This makes it easier for the cat to dig his/her nails into and grab on for better grip and comfort when lounging around.

Step 5: At this point I didn't get pictures of each step but you want to paint the plywood platform whatever color that matches your floors or even put carpet on it for that extra scratch factor. Then attach it to the bottom of the tree basket.

Step 6: Add all the leaves back onto your tree. If you do this step too early like I did you'll have to try and work around the leaves and branches. It's so much easier if you do it as the last step.

There you have it a realistic looking ficus cat tree for your that special kitty in your life.

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The chlorine in fresh tap water irritates sensitive parts of the cat's nose. Let tap water sit for 24 hours before giving it to a cat.
That looks like it took a while to put together. So you had the cat for a year before assembling that tree for it? Or was the tree ready after a year and it just happened that you found your cat?
Either way the thoughtfulness in this project is heartwarming. A pet is a precious companion to have. The love you have for it truly shows.
I'm a dog kinda person myself. But I have nothing against feline lovers, naughty smile.
Very cute cat though.
Well actually I've had the tree for many years before I got the cat. I got my cat a little over a year ago. I also have a dog. I have one of each and honestly prefer the personality of the dog over the cat but I thought it would be a cool idea to make that tree for the cat. I think it might have been better idea when he was a kitten. I tried putting him in the tree and he panicked and jumped out.
Oh. I hear you. Nothing in life is ever a waste. It just needs its season to come so that it can find its use. That's why you had that tree.
A cat and a dog with the dog taking preference? You are my kind on lady. I remeber when I was younger we had a cat and a dog. My dog's name was Rex; the cat didn't really have a name. I just used a sound to call to it. Rex used to play with the cat everyday and everyday the cat used to slap him silly. I never understood why he would subject himself to such pain on a daily basis.
The cat is afraid of heights? Lol. That's something you don't hear everyday. I would've laughed so hard at for being a scaredy cat.