Story for children:THE SUPERHEROUS CHILD /Reading comprehension
This story is about a boy named Carlitos. What Carlitos wanted most in the world was to become a superhero. He eagerly watched superhero movies and felt a rush when they rescued people in danger, used their super strength and had the ability to fly. He wanted to be just like them.

Carlitos used to wear a towel as cape, so that he would feel more like a superhero. His mother, supporting this appreciation of her son’s, eventually sewed him his very own cape with a large “C” on the back. Carlitos was thrilled with this gift and would wear it out into his neighbourhood in search of neighbours who needed help.
Super carlitos.

Some comrades in his school made fun of him however and told him that superheroes do not exist. But Carlos did not believe them and remained faithful in his intention to become a hero.
Like every child, Carlitos started to grow up and soon his cape did not fit him anymore. This did not stop him from helping others whenever he could though.

When Carlitos became an adult, he graduated from college as a doctor, specializing in paediatrics, in order to help children. As a doctor, he had his own office where he saw his patients. He hung his cape from his childhood in this office, so as to always remember to be a superhero. As an adult, he realised that to be a superhero, he does not need to have super-strength or the ability to fly, he simply needed to help where he could. In his field of work, he could help children on a daily basis.

He also stuck a poster next to his cape that said the following: "if you have the desire and the heart to help, you are already a hero"
Once you have read the story, please answer the following questions:
• What values can you learn from this story?
• What professions do you know about where you can help people?
• Who is your favourite superhero?
• Did you ever want to be a super hero?
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