Teaching Respect
Teaching Respect

Respect is what makes it possible for several people to coexist in the same space. Without respect as a core value, an organized society would not be possible. Respect includes accepting differences, recognizing each other, appreciating others, self-worth, being fair and being polite.
It is important to instil and practice respect in one’s home, since this is where learning starts. The home is the fundamental basis of society. Within the home, we as parents must teach our children the parameters of behaviour which are all based on respect. From respecting our elders, to respecting one’s privacy, this is how we cooperate and live happily in our communities.

Learning about respect at school.
For our children, school is their second home, this is where formal learning takes place, this learning is set on the foundation you as a parent have created at home. Start by teaching students to respect their peers, to appreciate differences and to go the extra mile to make each other feel comfortable. They will soon learn that the to gain respect, you have to practice respect yourself.

There are many activities that teachers can do with children that helps them to learn the concept of respect, even at a very young age. Group work and cooperation with their peers is one way to put them in situations where respect is required, but you can also play games with them and encourage them to share and practice manners within the classroom.

Let’s raise a generation that is pleasant to exist with, one that will take humanity to the next level with thoughtfulness and care in mind.
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