KP's Teacher Tales #24: Reflections and End of Year Madness
I don't really think of the end of the year as being in December, but rather in June. Though both times are pretty crazy, I experience way more ends and beginnings as the school year comes to a close.
This is a bit of a big year for me. I started teaching five years ago. In university they told us we would hit our stride in year 5. I partially believe this, but also have so much to learn and experience still.
It's mostly a momentous time because the students I've had with me since the beginning are graduating. They are also my last graduating class that I will experience in my 20's. BUT WHATEVER IT'S FINE I DON'T MIND TURNING 30.
I began teaching them at the fresh age of 23.
And I saw these particular kids a lot. That first year of teaching I had a Social Studies 8 and a Drama 8-10 class. Then in December I took over a maternity leave and received English 8 as well. I started with an advisory of 3, and in later years picked up more to have a core group of 10.
Needless to say, it's weird and bittersweet to see my first batch of students go.
I'm happy for them. I want them to experience all the incredible, heartbreaking, strange, and wonderful things life has to offer. I want them to learn more than I could ever teach them. So they have to move on, but it's still... big. In a way I'm not sure how to properly express what it's like. I don't even completely understand the milestone. It is neat that we are sharing it together, though.
So that's it. In the next couple of weeks I have to survive: class wrap up, marking, report card writing, assemblies, awards, graduation, the emotions of saying goodbye, classroom cleanup, meetings, and looking ahead to September because really, it's never too early. Wish me (and all teachers everywhere) luck!

Teachers around here are in their final two weeks. I've enjoyed having a year off.
Are you headed back next year?
This is our last week of classes but we have exams and assemblies next week.
I am applying for jobs at the moment. So we'll see.
Ahhhh, applying for jobs can be such a slog! I hope that it is a expedited process for you and you end up in a really wonderful place. My fingers are crossed for you!
Just the other day I was thinking about how the first class I even taught, a grade 1 class, is now 21 years old. That was 15 years ago. Crazy how fast the time passes.
SO crazy!
I had a student I taught in my practicum approach me the other day and I did not recognize her, because she was a full on adult.
Yeah, my first class, 3rd graders are full on college grads now. Weird. I keep thinking about that class. And I realize THAT CLASS no longer exists.