KP's Teacher Tales #20: Dress Up Days
Do you dress up for school or work events?
I typically do, but tomorrow's dress up theme has me stumped.
If it was just a regular old "May the Fourth Be With You" I would be okay!

Option 1

Option 2!
But OH NO. May the Fourth was just too generic or mainstream I guess. My school decided it would be "Dress as a Meme" day.
So! People of The Internet what should I dress as? The best I've come up with so far is this little confused cutie. Mostly because it's easy and representative of how I'm currently feeling.

Image Source
Please! Post your favourite memes! Tell me about your favourite costumes you've worn to work!
To finish, here I am dressed in a dirndl to celebrate with my German students!

You've got a whole night to prepare right?
I should have started preparing for this last month.
Dressing up at school is so much fun and the kids love it. Do whatever May the 4th be with you theme you want. There are so many memes out there based on Star Wars that you could be from any part of the galaxy. Just be careful if you choose to be a Wookie. Those costume can be a killer!! Lol
Love the idea and the post. Our dress up days include sport day, America day, crazy sock day, mismatched day AND hat day. Hat day is nice because I don't have to wash or do my hair. But my fave is the rolled out of bed look. Just give me a good pajama day, please.
I am actually ashamed I skipped the last pj day.
Aim high...
But not too damn high.
OR, OR!!!
Both solid choices. I’ve figured it out and will reveal tomorrow!!!