The different learning styles
I am sure that if you look back you will notice that some teachers of your childhood did not take into account the way of learning of their students. Both teachers and students have had to struggle with the way of teaching and how to learn. Each teacher has its own teaching style, but it is that students also have their own learning style, and only by finding the balance can educational success be achieved. Problems in the classroom begin when teachers and students do not agree on how to teach and how to learn. Not all children are the same and can learn differently from each other, perhaps you have also noticed that your child learns in a different way than you did at his age
Have you ever wondered why some professionals consider themselves "better" than others? It not only lies in the opportunities that are given to children so that they can do things better, but also because they take into account the style and rhythm of learning of each of their students, since sometimes the learning difficulties have more to see in how they are being taught.

Currently seven different learning styles are known, people usually combine several of them to be able to have a goodlearning in knowledge.
1. Visual (spatial): People prefer the use of images, videos and spatial comprehension in order to learn better.
2. Aural (auditory-musical): People prefer the use of music and sound to enhance and improve learning.
3. Verbal (linguistic): People prefer the use of words (both spoken and written) to improve and enhance learning.
4. Physical (kinesthetic): People prefer the use of the body, hands and sense of touch to learn. Direct experience is a good learning engine in this regard.
5. Logic (mathematical): People prefer the use of logic and reasoning in order to have a good learning before any knowledge.
6. Social (interpersonal): People have better learning if they do it in a group or in the company of other people.
7. Solitary (intrapersonal): People prefer to learn in solitude or be empowering self study to learn calmly and without pressure.

As I mentioned above, a child (and adult) can combine several learning styles to reinforce good knowledge. For example, a child who is visual can also be social and physical to learn more complicated topics for him. But what matters is that as parents, you realize what is the learning style of children to be able, in this way, what is the best way to help them learn and not lose motivation.
It is necessary to understand how children learn in order to help them in their tasks without having to be suffering because a child "costs more" than others (in addition, comparisons are never accurate). It is necessary to understand how to provide learning opportunities through the use of the learning preferences identified in children.It still occurs today as there are teachers who use their own preferred learning style as the main teaching mode and if students do not share these same preferences, learning for students can be very difficult and frustrating for children.In my career as a special education teacher and psycho-pedagogue, it was essential to understand the differences in learning styles in order to maximize the learning potential of each of my students and it is very necessary that parents and professions do the same. Listening to what children want and learning from their interests is necessary to offer them a lesson that motivates them.

It is necessary to observe children and compare different learning styles to be able to know how they interact with others and with knowledge and through observation, to understand what is the most effective way to teach children using their styles of learning more dominant learning.