Participatory learning
There is a way to get employees to develop their skills without having to spend time in a conventional classroom. The alternative is called Action Learning action learning, a training modality that makes employees use the workplace as a classroom, reflect on everyday problems and learn from their daily tasks. This form of learning is not new, but recently it has seen its use grow in companies, in large part because it ensures the transmission of the learned contents to the daily tasks, and it does so almost in real time.

The theory behind this training modality ensures that there is no real learning without action, and that there can be no action if there was no learning before. For this circle to materialize, participants in Action Learning processes must work on problems they consider real and relevant, whose solution makes a significant contribution to everyone's work, which motivates them to face it with responsibility. For that, it is necessary to choose carefully the topics on which learning programs will be applied through action. The specialists recommend that you opt for problems directly related to the company's objectives and the needs of the participants. It is also a particularly useful modality when dealing with conflicts in which there is no single line of possible resolution.
The Action Learning programs have shown their benefits in several aspects. For example, they promote the active participation of people; locate the learning situation in the workplace, the context and the culture of the participants; they facilitate the exploration of their mental models and thus increase the possibilities of their transformation; They promote reflection and are an effective motivator for people.
Even if this training modality may seem simple on the surface, it is actually quite complex. Its scientific bases ensure that:
- Individuals learn better when what motivates them is their own development and when the topics that are discussed are part of their closest areas of interest.
- People learn from their peers and those they value professionally;
Reflection increases the quality of what is learned. - Learning to ask questions, discuss and exchange ideas promotes learning.
For learning through action to take place, then it is important that certain conditions are met. To begin with, the environment in which the process is carried out must be open, in such a way that the participants feel that they can say everything they think.
In the process of learning through action, the role of coaches is not minor. The companies that apply these programs vary in the degree of participation assigned to them, although in general their intervention is recommended, at least at the beginning of the program. Coaches can be external or come from within the company. In any case, they must be clearly aware of their function, knowledge of the scientific basis of the process, management of groups and the ability to maintain a certain objectivity and balance. That is why in many cases it is not recommended to have an internal coach, since you can be too involved in the subject to take the necessary distance.
Those in charge of implementing ActionLearning programs have several points to consider before launching the initiative. Choose topics related to the business objectives of the company and clearly explain to management levels how action learning can contribute to achieving them.
Use the language most appropriate to the culture and context of the business to present this modality to management. Once the approval of the higher levels has been obtained, make sure that you have the approval of the supervisors and direct managers of the participants of the program, so that there are no obstacles to rehearse and implement the solutions found in the working groups.