STEEMHOMEWORK for this week by @steemiteducation

THIS WEEK'S QUESTION by @steemiteducation:

Some teachers believe that homework is not important, and that children must do all work at school because parents are too involved in completing the projects for their children. What is your feeling about this. Do you give out homework or not?

For me, we should give out homeworks. Why? There are 3 reasons for me why we should give out homeworks. They are the ff.:

ONE: BONDING TIME Even though it may take up time for busy parents, it also gives them time to bond with their children. It doesn't matter whether you have high IQ or not, it's the effort and the fact that you are there for them counts the most. A lot of kids, teenagers are depressed or suicidal nowadays because parents don't even have time for them. Even if the parent lets the kid do the homework on their own, the supervision or the presence is different when the parent/s are just there and doesn't even care.

TWO: APPLICATION Making homeworks will help the child comprehend and apply everything he or she has learned and will learn.

THREE: NOT TOO MUCH THOUGH Lastly, you might want to go easy on homeworks if you are a teacher. Homework is time-consuming and avoid letting the students do it on weekends. As they say "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". They also recommend that when we study we have to rest our minds from using it too much.

CONCLUSION: We should give the kids homework as a support to their learning, give them time to bond with their parents and enough time to be with themselves and enjoy learning.

Please let me know if you have learned something from this blog. Thanks for time reading this.

