The difficult questions of a 7year old
Lately, my 7year old son is full of questions. He is now at a stage where he is starting to think outside the box and he believes that I have the answers for every single one of those questions. Not that I do, but I'm the only one he can ask at the moment while his father is on another continent. Luckily, he hasn't asked the "Why is the earth round" question yet, but I'm sure he will get around to it one of these days.

What I find really difficult to explain, is biblical questions. The story of Adam and Eve is the easiest to give answers to, but the rest of them is not easy at all. All of the stories in the Children's Bible (and we know them since we were little), are hard! It's like a war zone. What's supposed to be a simple story, like for example, Daniel in the lion's den, has become my enemy. "But why wouldn't the Lion eat him, mom? Lion's are wild and they eat meat!" Explaining to him that it was the Lord who instructed the Lion not to eat Daniel, brings up even more questions..."Was He also in the den with Daniel and the lion?" and "How did the Lion understand what He said?"
How about David and goliath? "It can't be! He was small, how could he kill a giant?" This is quite a vicious story, like most of the rest. It's wrong to kill but most of these stories contain some sort of violence and murder. Just look at the story of the baby who was almost cut in half because the two "mothers" were fighting about it...and let's not forget about the King who looked for all the first born boys to kill! He looks at me with big eyes and reminds me that he was born first and is also a boy!

For some reason, I feel like skipping Bible stories at the moment until they have a better understanding of things like these. I guess we'll figure it out in a while.
Something else that a certain boy of mine is very interested about lately, is the difference between boys and girls. This curiosity must have been awakened the day when brothers and sisters were divided at bath time. I see him giggling in the shops when we pass by woman's underwear nowadays.
Since being back in South Africa and living behind lock and chain, this new living arrangement has also created some very interesting conversations in our house. Not only from him, but also from his 6year old sister and 4year old brother. "Why are there thieves? Where do they live? What are their names?" Can you imagine??? Coming from (a mostly safe) Abu Dhabi where criminals are being prosecuted the way they should, these children of mine are a bit rattled when I frequently look over my shoulder or close the car's windows at a traffic light.
What will I do? Maybe someone can help??? It's time to get creative!

Disclaimer: I am not a parent and do not have experience with children. However, I think often it is better to ask the child a question in return rather than just provide the answers because I think it is important to train them to explore questions as a way of discovering new ideas and connections, and for the parents to facilitate this process. So next time they ask a question, why not ask them one in return and gently guide their learning process?
Excellent advice! Thank you @plushzilla
Perhaps you should give parenting a shot. I'm sure you'll do great!
I think you know when people have no parenting experience whatsoever if they make it sound very easy :D
Hi Belinda, kids are very curious. It is the best time to give him a firm foundation about God The Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Go to and click on the Primary link. It has simple bible stories without too much violence.
I hope you have a postive experience. Please let me know if it helps.
Cool! Love it!!!
Thanks for sharing
Children are generally inquisitive and have minds like little sponges, so soak up any and all information. Sometimes simplified answers will suffice. But be honest in your answers or they may come back to haunt you later!
That's true! Thank you so much for your comment
MMMm I know what you are saying, I always try to keep it simple
That's probably best.
Thanks @joe007
Also something I tend to struggle with. I send daddy to do the bible study, so he can do the explaining.
You're a lucky girl @busybeee.
No daddy around here at the moment. I will file all those questions away for when he returns...then he will not find a moment of peace, lol