The happy child in all of us

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

What makes you happy? Getting to work on time? Making sure you look your best for the important meeting later? Seeing your children excel?

Being happy in out day and age has a different meaning than before.

My mother (yes, the wise Mama Bear!) once asked me a question I would never forget.
If you were to get up tomorrow and only had what you wanted yesterday, would you be happy?

You see, our choices really do define us. We really get what we give. Being happy is not suppose to matter to anyone but yourself. You have to be happy with yourself. Many people struggle with depression, so why when others cannot help but be unhappy because of other influences, do we choose to make ourself unhappy. Yes, we choose to do so. Others can't help it. We can.

Some people are caught up in situations where they have no other option but to accept their fate and live with it. Many of us own our own laptops or computers. We have power to charge these devices and internet to place our articles on Steemit.
But we still choose unhappiness...
I don't always wake up in the morning and want to go to work, but I do..
Many people (even children) don't even have beds to wake up in...

Ask yourself this, does it matter what you are doing today?
Would someone remember you if you were to disappear?
Would your work today, matter tomorrow?

One big thing that I had realised I wanted more than anything was to be remembered.
I want to leave a legacy behind that will inspire millions, alright maybe not even millions, maybe even just 1...

My grandmother's funeral got me thinking...
The entire church was filled with people who loved her, there wasn't even seats to accompany everyone.
She had made an impact.
She had created happiness.
And she was leaving behind a legacy...

Remember to be happy with what you've got and who you are and remember to create a legacy!


Aninke, jy kan aanhou post, maar niemand gaan nou vote nie want die hardfork het issues veroorsaak met die voting power. Ek sal opvang sodra my power weer op is. Gaan so twee dae vat.

Excellent reminder of life @aninke time moves too fast in this modern day, too often the important matters of living appears to be lost in seeking something, happiness is one that we are able to make decisions on no matter how large or small.

Your post has been selected to be entered into @teamsouthafrica's Daily Nominated Post section in Teamsouthafrica's Discord group. Congratulations!

Food for thought @aninke. Great post thanks!

Thanks a lot! The world needs more happiness!