
According to Dictionary. Com, praise is the act of expressing approval, admiration, commendation or laudation for someone or something. It is the offering of a grateful homage in words or songs, and is often an act of worship.

Praise from a grateful hearts is like a sweet music in God's ears. It's the one thing God desire to hear more from his children than reqeust, supplication and petition.

Praising God is an acknowledgment of His migth, goodness, and faithfulness. It is also an expression of our gratitude for what he has done for us, and gratitude, they say, is the best attitude. Praise is the firsf and the best thing we should do everyday.

Praising God is easy when things are rosy, but we live in a complex world where things get rough, complicated difficult and twisted sometimes .

When things get dark and dreary we often feel no obligation to be thankful to God. Which outh not to be so in every situations we must always praise God. Praise is a powerful tool in the hand of all living souls, it makes the devil uneasy and moves God to action. Uncommon and miracles and amazing things happen when you praise God.

When you confronted whit situations beyond your power and ability, sing praised to God and He will fight for you praise makes wonders and miraculous things happen.

Praise is not a religious entertainment; it's a spiritual weapon that passes your battles over to God. It stairs God into action on your behalf. Praise opens the door to the supernatural and gives you victory over lifes battle.

Praise brings God's presence, and in his precence, you I'll experience the fullness of joy. God's power becomes apparent, and you realize He can Provide for all your needs. Praise helps you place your trust in God.

You can't truly praise God or experience the wonders of praise except you accept Jesus as your saviour and Lord.

That's you confess your sin to God, ask for his forgiveness, repent of those sins and believe jesus.

pls learn from the words of William A that says, "GOD GAVE YOU A GIFT OF 86,400 SECONDS TODAY. HAVE YOU USED ONE TO THANK GOD." JESUS IS LORD.